Ok, I think I have found a winner here. My newest, greatest reality show idea ever is a show called "Who Gets the Krispy Kremes?" The participants will be, among others, Michael Moore, Roger Ebert, Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'Donnell. The concept is this: each will be placed in front of preselected audiences and see who they can piss off the worst (examples, Michael Moore in front of the young Republicans, Rosie O'Donnell in front of the 700 Club studio audience). There will also be physi...
They are the technological savior of the democratic process. They will make elections quicker, easier, and more accurate. Or...will they? Nevada has implemented its new touch screen voter system, unique in that it actually has a paper trail that will help in the case of recounts or suspicions of tampering. The pundits lauded these systems as they would make election results available instantaneously. A look at yesterday's primary shows otherwise. The newspaper had a press dead...
Now, I'm not one to rub someone's face in it, but... Here I am, sitting on a dialup connection, first in line for the news that the Dolphins acquired Lamar Gordon. Since the Dolphins have been without a running back ever since Ricky Williams chose pot over pigskin (those dreads shoulda been the tipoff), and since Gordon was a more than capable backup to Marshall Faulk last year (and even earned a promotion to starting FB), I am very happy with this selection, and will enjoy the wailing and...
Well, for the second time in a week, the Las Vegas monorail is down for repairs. This public transportation effort has been plagued with cost overruns, delays and shutdowns ever since its opening. To top it off, the monorail does not even run along the strip, easily Las Vegas' biggest traffic concern. Isn't the goal of most public transit programs to ALLEVIATE congestion? I am beginning to wonder if Lyle Lanley, the overseer of the monorail project on "the Simpsons" didn't have a hand in t...
First of all, tremendous thanks to the individuals who have stepped up to assist us. Your generosity is extremely heartwarming. We had an encouraging second excursion yesterday. Off the road, we picked up about $4 worth of cans in a little over an hour. A gentleman along the route offered us three barrels of cans he had sitting around his property. That makes yesterday a fairly successful day! Still no word on unemployment, but most importantly, no eviction notice yet. I will take kingb...
350 coffins are being buried in the Russian soil 350 hopes, 350 dreams 350 faces filled with laughter and with tears 350 future scholars, athletes, diplomats 350 future mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles 350 sons, daughters, cousins, friends 350 lives that should not have ended in vain 350 voices crying out "No More". Stopping the hate begins with you and me. respectfully submitted, Gideon MacLeish.
Albanian: me falni Serbian: zau mi je Czech: je mi lito Farsi: bebakshid French: Je suis desole German: Es tut mir Leid Hawaiian: kaumaha Lithuanian: atsuprasyk Spanish: perdon English: I'm sorry Read it. Learn it. Live it.
It's been another taxing day with our two year old (who is nicknamed "Mouse"). It's been a trying month, really, as she had to endure the separation from her mother for two weeks (due to the pregnancy complications with the newborn), and she has been extremely clingy since, as she doesn't trust us when we leave her somewhere. Then, Sunday, it happened. We were sitting in the living room when I noticed her hand go into her mouth. Her little fingers went to the back corner of her mouth, a...
Well, today marks 20 days without gainful employment. Homelessness is a very real, and very imminent possibility, although we haven't received the eviction notice yet (we have five business days after receipt of the eviction notice). I decided that it would be a good idea to go ahead and blog about my experience, that way I have a recoverable record for later writing purposes. This is NOT a "pity me" blog, it is a record of the facts for my own purposes, I just felt it appropriate to allow yo...
Ok...this is to the point where it needs comment. For the second time in as many weeks, I have seen someone basically state that the idea of fatwa is morally justifiable. The latest claim along those lines is that when someone is killed for being a Christian in a Muslim country, they are at least partly responsible, because they knew the country was Muslim to begin with. My response is that this is the equivalent of blaming a rape victim for wearing clothes that are too suggestive, it d...
It occurred to me on another thread when I was responding to the 50,000th red herring of the day, that since so many red herrings are used here on Joeuser, we need a thread where we can compile some good recipes for red herring. I am sure we will come up with a variety of recipes, but will all agree on one thing: the best approach to preparing red herring is to use a lot of FLAME!!! signing off (tongue firmly planted in cheek) Gideon MacLeish
I finally got one of the statistics I wanted to see for a long time: the domestic gross for Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" came in at $118 million dollars. While this is impressive for a "documentary" (although I really wish they'd quit calling it that), I think a fair analysis of the numbers are in order for those who insist that the numbers show the majority of Americans to believe Moore's view: *Assuming a ticket price of $7 a ticket (averages are higher than this, I believe; I have...
In a seperate thread, another user has asserted that the Catholic church is telling its parishioners not to vote for John Kerry. When I pointed out that this was a clear violation of the law, I was challenged with some very strong language but without the facts. I will grant that I did not provide the hard facts on this, but rather my extensive experience as a minister and those of my family who are also ministers. The person since responded by simply stating I was wrong (I have yet to see an...
Before I start this, I want to correct a piece of errata in my earlier post. I mixed up an important fact without the stats in front of me. It was Norman Thomas, not Debs who ran against FDR in 1932, but I still feel his showing influenced the Democratic party's platform. Anyway, in defense of third party support, I decided to dig back through presidential elections and come up with some 3rd party numbers to show that third parties can and do make a difference. The missing election years a...
Right now, as I'm headed into my third week of unemployment (unprecedented for me), I can't help but feel a little angry with myself. In a time that seems so long ago, I was a good scholar. My 3.2 grade level belied the fact that I was capable of far much more. And both I and my teachers knew it. Then, following high school, I hit the skids. I was DQ'ed in my attempt to join the army to pay my way through college, and that was an absolutely crushing blow to my ego (being rejected by the Ar...