The journey from there to here
Published on September 6, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging
It occurred to me on another thread when I was responding to the 50,000th red herring of the day, that since so many red herrings are used here on Joeuser, we need a thread where we can compile some good recipes for red herring.

I am sure we will come up with a variety of recipes, but will all agree on one thing: the best approach to preparing red herring is to use a lot of FLAME!!!

signing off (tongue firmly planted in cheek)

Gideon MacLeish

on Sep 06, 2004
Take one can of Statistics (from Pulled Out of My Ass Mart), and dump in strainer. Strain out any chunks of Sense of Humor or Friendliness. Spread thickly over entire post. Take one small bag of Facts and crush with hands. Sprinkle Facts haphazardly over Statics layer. Take large kitchen knife and cut off your own nose, spitefully. Place nose on top of crushed Facts remnants. Press submit and wait 30 seconds for results.
on Sep 06, 2004
Clever, both of you. I'm experimenting in the kitchen right now.
on Sep 06, 2004
Good luck, anglo...if you need any red herring for your recipes, you can find a lot of it in the forum posts under "politics".
on Sep 06, 2004
Okay, here's my recipe for Smoked Red Herring:

Take herring out of deep freeze which we also call a "small mind."
Thaw with a haphazard-research-driven blowtorch.
Scrape off charcoal with a few well-placed slices from an acerbic tonge.
Marinate in hate-mongering words for flavor (and response points).
Add cliche-studded chunks of articles you've copied and pasted from the context of their sources
Hang herring up in a public place.
Smoke with formerly pent-up hatred.
Serve with Tums.
on Sep 06, 2004
Yes but why is your tongue firmly in cheek? it should be available to add drool from a slack jaw.
Any Ideas why most of the liberals won't post a response on my article about when the war really started?
Only a few of the gutsy ones who are respected have. KB and a couple others.
my article is all facts so i guess there is no way to argue it.
on Sep 06, 2004
ssg, no idea. I agree, though, many liberals are to truth what cockroaches are to light.
on Sep 07, 2004
many liberals are to truth what cockroaches are to light.

What a wonderful turn of phrase!!!!