It's been another taxing day with our two year old (who is nicknamed "Mouse"). It's been a trying month, really, as she had to endure the separation from her mother for two weeks (due to the pregnancy complications with the newborn), and she has been extremely clingy since, as she doesn't trust us when we leave her somewhere.
Then, Sunday, it happened.
We were sitting in the living room when I noticed her hand go into her mouth. Her little fingers went to the back corner of her mouth, and I immediately suspected three words that every parent of a two year old should be taught to dread (and we had learned from experience with the older girls): two-year molars.
A reach into her mouth confirmed my suspicion.
sooooo, anyone here have any suggestions for something sround the house that can help ease it up a bit? Anbesol is not an option, and we don't have a washrag that's in good enough condition for me to trust freezing it and using it. But, I figured someone here would have some extra ideas.
thanks in advance,
Gideon MacLeish