The journey from there to here
Published on September 7, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events
350 coffins are being buried in the Russian soil

350 hopes, 350 dreams

350 faces filled with laughter and with tears

350 future scholars, athletes, diplomats

350 future mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles

350 sons, daughters, cousins, friends

350 lives that should not have ended in vain

350 voices crying out "No More".

Stopping the hate begins with you and me.

respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish.

on Sep 07, 2004
Very nice, Gideon. Thanks for sharing this!
on Sep 08, 2004
350 hopes, 350 dreams

Plus the hopes of their families= lots more
This is a crime that must NEVER be forgotten or forgiven.

on Sep 08, 2004
Good article. I do hope the terrorists will be stopped soon.
on Sep 08, 2004
I hate to add it but 350 more reasons the global War on Terrorism must be fought and must me any means....while the act is is not without precident...Palestinian Suicide Bombers have killed many children in their campaign against Israel for one....

Maybe some good may come out of this tragedy...maybe the future is never predetermined and many paths lie ahead of us..some good some bad...few in between
on Sep 08, 2004
Seeing the pictures of all those dead innocent children brought tears to my eyes and anger to my heart.
No cause, no political belief, no religion can ever justify their deaths. Their murderers are animals and need
to be hunted down and eliminated; they are not part of the human race.
on Sep 09, 2004
There truely is no excuse for such an atrocity. Taking over a school and holding the innocent students and teachers hostage won't prove any point, except that whoever planned or participated in this are sick, sick people. This is one of the most awful things to happen since 9/11, and it was done against children. Lets hope that whatever group responsible is quickly taken care of.
on Sep 09, 2004
Gideon: I somehow managed to miss this when you posted it. Another insightful post. Sometimes it is difficult for us to look beyond ourselves and feel the pain of others.

Stopping the hate begins with you and me.

Yes, it does.

Thank you for this, Gideon.