The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 88
April 23, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
In his novel, 1984, George Orwell quite ominously and infamously coined the phrase "Big Brother". The idea was of a benevolent figurehead controlling our lives because he knew what was best for us. Although Orwell's ideas carried on into common speech, the idea was not solely his. Many authors, notably Aldous Huxley and Thomas Moore presented the utopian ideal, the concept of a government where everybody lived under a government that told them what to do and how to live their lives. In ever...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I hate to do this (hell, who am I kidding, it's what I am all about!), but I would like to take a moment to encourage my regular readers to visit my sister site (linked on the sidebar). I am building it up, initially with archives from JU, but hope to add exclusive features (and maybe even a book preview or two). What I'd like for each of you to consider is clicking on the google ads while you're there. While the ads might represent a minor annoyance, they give me the ability to raise revenue...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Champas Socialist wrote a piece recently about the diversity of CULTURE (he didn't say diversity of RACE) in Australia. Having never been to Australia, I really can't say much about whether he is right or wrong, but must respond to what has been a running topic on JU; the tendency to compare diversity of culture. I was born in Marion, Indiana. For those in the know, Marion is a hotbed of Klan activity in a STATE that is equally a hotbed of Klan activity. The rural areas of the state are predo...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
If you have to ask why I used THAT as a title, you're just not paying attention! LOL. For the uninitiated, I'll, that would take too long, let me sum up! Marcie Helen wrote an article about a school's response to girls wearing "I (heart) my vagina" buttons in school, in support of the campaign spawned by "the Vagina Monologues" to raise awareness of domestic abuse issues. My response was that it was only appropriate is an "I (heart) my penis" button was similarly appropriate. ...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I found this interesting. These statistics, if true, seriously indict our own national economy: If you’re feeling short-changed by Ottawa, it turns out you’re right. Every year, the federal government spends an average of $3,919 per Ontarian, not including federal interest payments on the national debt. When it comes to spending, per person, Ontarians get the least. The feds spend $4,375 per westerner, $4,974 per Quebecker, and $8,209 per Atlantic Canadian . I found this on a bl...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I was reading on another blog where the writer was overly dependent on poll results as to how Americans perceive George W. Bush's policies. In light of the recent "approval rating" polls, I had to comment. I have never been a part of these polls. Nobody I know has ever been a part of these polls. Given the number of people I have known over the years, it is statistically unlikely that a random sampling of Americans would consistently avoid every individual with which I have discussed the subj...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
As I have travelled about, I have always felt it my duty to immerse myself in local culture. This has led down many interesting paths, including a dip in the frigid waters of Wisconsin's Lake Winnebago in January some years back. So, it was a natural that when I saw the "redneck lawnmower racing" racetrack in town, I would have to find a way, ANY way, to procure a good lawnmower and join the racing circuit. I found a retired mechanic who wants to help design the machine, and so we're gettin...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Islam has, especially in the years since 9/11, been eager to promote its faith as a religion of peace. They're not alone in this endeavour, as most religions wish to show themselves the standardbearers of peace. But what, precisely, does it mean to be a "religion of peace"? To my thinking, it means a religion that is active in trying to ease conflict throughout the world and to heal those affected by conflict. It is not enough, then, to ideologically align onesself against war and cloister on...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I wish I was someone else I'm confused, I'm afraid, I hate the loneliness And there's nowhere to run to Nothing makes any sense, but I still try my hardest Take my hand Please help me man 'Cause I'm looking for something to believe in And I don't know where to start And I don't know where to begin, to begin If I was stupid or naive Trying to achieve what they all call contentness If people weren't such dicks and I never made mistakes Then I could find forgiveness Take my hand...
April 21, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Many years ago, I participated in one of the best church outreach programs I had ever seen. The church hosted a meal in their basement and everyone was welcome to attend. There was no cost to anyone, nor was a collection plate or donation jar anywhere in sight to guilt anyone into giving. The people who would come were a very interesting cross section of the community; some were poor and this was the only substantial meal they had all week, some were getting by without much difficulty and this w...
April 21, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
One of my pet peeves as a Christian is people who use their current distress as an excuse to berate God or to abandon their faith. I have seen it pretty often, actually: individuals who converted to Christianity because what the preacher promised them sounded better than AmWay. A quick perusal of the top ten lists in Christian nonfiction will show what I'm talking about here. Prosperity gospel preachers will bilk individuals out of their life savings on the premise of a ten-, hundred-, or tho...
April 20, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, this is a question for the JU admins. I went to my account, and the option for creating custom links had been removed (I can't remember, but it seems a couple other options were removed too). Is this a glitch, or are we not able to add custom links anymore?
April 20, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, it seems Mr. Demi Moore...err, Ashton Kutcher, made a bet with his producer that if his new movie "A Lot Like Love" tops the weekend box office, he'll do a Calvin Klein underwear ad. With the lovely Amanda Peet as his costar, I think it's a safe bet we'll be forced to endure Kutcher in his skivvies. Now, to some women that might not be a bad thing. I understand that (frankly, if Amanda Peet had a similar Victoria's Secret ad deal going, I'd buy tickets for our entire household and lives...
April 20, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Growing up in the dead center of Tornado Alley, I have always had a fascination with thunderstorms and the twisters they so often spawn. When other people went out, I went in, often directing my car onto the Oklahoma backroads to see how close I could get to the storm's fury. And so, yesterday, I became "official". As part of my duties with the volunteer fire department (which so far have consisted of handing out papers and taking an ambulance on a test spin; it's hell to be a rookie...but I ...
April 20, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Another point whore in another hall (sigh). In response to my DARING to oppose one of our newest point whore wannabes, he made the insinuation that I might be, err, a little light in the loafers. Apparently, he's out of legitimate arguments (his exact quote was calling me a drama queen, with QUEEN italicized for emphasis). What cracked me up was that somehow questioning my masculinity would offend me or hurt my feelings. Newsflash: it doesn't. I have nothing to prove to you, and your ruden...