The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 89
April 20, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
The title statement is a phrase virtually guaranteed to get my dander up. We have become a law crazy society, asking for legislation in virtually every area of life. But what does legislation REALLY say? Legislation says, in essence, "You're too stupid to make responsible decisions for yourself". It is an affront to our intelligence, a waste of taxpayers' time and money, and, usually infringes on SOMEONE'S rights. Now don't get me wrong. There are instances of good legislation, not because...
April 20, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
In a recent article, sushik pressed for a national ban on pitbulls. When I responded with legitimate responses, he responded with rude sarcasm and incredible condescension. His "opus" was a fictional letter to a "Mrs. Jones" satirizing my response as to the absurdity of his proposed laws. So, I did a little research of my own, and I, too, have a letter for Mrs. Jones: Dear Mrs. Jones, Thank you for convincing us of the need to ban dogs in this country. Because all dogs bite, the pit bul...
April 19, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
For anyone who hasn't signed up with blogexplosion yet,I highly recommend it (Please link through the link on my sidebar; both phoenixboi and I will benefit from it as he referred me, and I need more referrals). My blogspot site has had over 300 visitors, almost all of them from blogexplosion referrals. The only problem I have is surfing enough ads in the time I'm online (which is why I need referrals to help boost my points total). On the blogspot site (also linked on the sidebar), I have a ...
April 19, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well,this is a disappointment I am sure I share with Gene Nash. Sadly, the conclave of cardinals did not select me as pope, a move that will force me to reevaluate my employment options. Maybe I'll have to reconsider the presidential run in 2008.
April 19, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well,this is a disappointment I am sure I share with Gene Nash. Sadly, the conclave of cardinals did not select me as pope, a move that will force me to reevaluate my employment options. Maybe I'll have to reconsider the presidential run in 2008.
April 19, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I have seen enough. The name calling and ill feelings on JoeUser have gone pretty far off topic (I won't use the word "vitriol",as it's overused). I've had enough. While I defer to you the right to do whatever you like on your own thread, It's not going to happen on mine. To that end, I am announcing a general blacklist amnesty. If you have been on my blacklist before, you will be removed, with one unmentioned exception. If you're not removed, wait a short while and you will be. Af...
April 19, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well,the EPA has done its job. In the last 15 years in the US,only one species has become extinct.But I believe it is time for the EPA to change its guidelines, and,to whit, I propose the following changes: Anything that is an insect or arachnid doesn't get to be on the endangered list Anything that is a rodent doesn't get to be on the endangered list For the purposes of these guidelines, pigeons are categorized as insects For the purposes of these guidelines, deer are categorized as rod...
April 19, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well,the EPA has done its job. In the last 15 years in the US,only one species has become extinct.But I believe it is time for the EPA to change its guidelines, and,to whit, I propose the following changes: Anything that is an insect or arachnid doesn't get to be on the endangered list Anything that is a rodent doesn't get to be on the endangered list For the purposes of these guidelines, pigeons are categorized as insects For the purposes of these guidelines, deer are categorized as rod...
April 19, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Author's note: The title of this blog has been changed. The original article title was "Creating NAZI states within the US", but as rightly pointed out, while this does have to do with authoritarian states,it has nothing to do with nazi states). After reading the latest blog proposing a ban on pit bulls,I think I've figured out a compromise that might help heal America. Let's wall off several states and ban everything within those states. Each state would be tailored to a specific demogr...
April 19, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Your Linguistic Profile: 50% General American English 25% Yankee 20% Dixie 5% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern What'>">What Kind of American English Do You Speak? "
April 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
This from the Citizens Against Government Waste website (soon to be linked on the sidebar). Makes ya think, eh?   Congratulations, Tiger, Now Give Back Our Tax Dollars!    ( Washington , D.C. ) Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today congratulated Tiger Woods on winning his fourth Masters title and asked him to return the $100,000 federal grant given to his foundation to help build a $25 million education center in Orange County , C...
April 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I love the Internet. I can't say, however, that I'm always overly enthused with the results the Internet gives us. Take, for instance, my family. I have blogged previously on why it is in my own best interests to keep my family at an arm's length; specifically my mental health as regards a family that has always been quite adept at putting me down and helping run my self perception to ridiculously low depths. The more I am away from my family, the more I grow in my own sense of self and self ...
April 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Wendy's has announced that it is now doubling the initial reward of $50,000 for anyone who can give them information about the infamous finger that popped up recently in a bowl of chili. So, now, it's $100K for anyone who can tell them the finger's source. That's a lot of scratch for givin' them the finger. If eBay didn't have a standing rule against the sale of body parts, I'd say this severed digit could be very lucrative for a lot of people in the long run.
April 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I was perusing some of my old blogs, and I found an article from our recent financial crisis. In the article, I had asked for help with getting hooked up with the hurricane cleanup efforts. While I received no responses, it did get me to thinking. While the majority of Americans who are unemployed may not appreciate such an offer, I believe that emergency aid programs such as FEMA should link up with state workforce centers and labor temp agencies. In the event of a major catastrophe, su...
April 15, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
My 15 minutes are up and I didn't exploit them. For regular readers of my blog, some time ago, I wrote the infamous, point whoring "Fred Harteis" blog. I did it in response to the fact that we were inundated with spam blogs from Quixtar (read "AMWAY") recruiters (gotta think something's up with a business that changes its name routinely...but I digress). Googling myself today, I found the following on a quixtar related message board:   And on another point, why aren?t you guys att...