The journey from there to here

Author's note: The title of this blog has been changed. The original article title was "Creating NAZI states within the US", but as rightly pointed out, while this does have to do with authoritarian states,it has nothing to do with nazi states).

After reading the latest blog proposing a ban on pit bulls,I think I've figured out a compromise that might help heal America.

Let's wall off several states and ban everything within those states. Each state would be tailored to a specific demographic. in liberal states, owning a gun would result in banishment from the state. In conservative states,owning a copy of anything written by JD Salinger,Hunter S. Thompson, or anyone to the left of the John Birch society would be burned immediately and the owners shot. Environmentalists could live in a world where stepping off of the concrete and killing the grasshoppers on the lawn results in an immediate $1000 fine and community service of patrolling the sub-Californian grassy leafhopper's home environment for 150 hours.

Meanwhile,the rest of us will live in tranquility, free fromthe imbeciles that don't seem to understand the Constitution was written for a REASON. And we can paint our houses purple and pluck off thumper from our back porch while pissing in the lilacs, free in the knowledge that the rest of you all are in your own private nazi state where you belong.

on Apr 19, 2005
Ah Gidman my spider sense is tingling and it's telling me this thread is done in jest. But I want to play a game too. Political dodgeball. First I'll take a large hard-styrofoam sphere, or ball to the layman (hahaha), then I get a piece of paper, blank of course, and a black marker, black of course, and I write "sounds to me the nazi state resides deep within the land of the purple houses a.k.a. the land of the uric-acidic lilacs too". I tape it to the ball, wait for the right moment, line you up, and throw the sphere or ball to the layman. It pings off your head, rebounds off the wall, bounces back onto your head then back onto the wall then it turns 90 degrees and pops you one more time on the side of the head. Witnesses say the ball came from the direction of the greasy bowl, not the grassy knoll made famous by the late great JFKman.
on Apr 19, 2005
YOu think if we gave them Montana and the Dakotas, they would go away?
on Apr 19, 2005
Careful, the Nation of Islam has designs on the Mexican Gulf States....and as a conservative who throughly enjoys the constant replaying of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" I feel your book banning is severe. The enviromentalist should be dropped in the everglades, not left to potentially slide into the Pacific, California should be reserved for the Loony Left ( plans by the Rigid Right would include several stratigically placed underground Nukes along the San Andreas fault..oops )

This could go on and on, relegating the various poli-socio/cultural, racial/gender/orientation, economic classes by geographic designation. Just put me somewhere on the Southeast Coast, I'll conform to whatever dogma be ascribed, so long as I can get sand 'tween my toes, and a seabreeze in my face.........a good boat, fair weather, heavy tackle, and lots of cold beer too ( sounds like a Buffet song huh? )
on Apr 19, 2005
Oh, I forgot, my wife, kids, dog, guns, SUV's, golf clubs,wayward Presbyterians, meat eating, karoke singing, and sunglasses have got to be OK too!
on Apr 19, 2005
Southeast Coast, I'll conform to whatever dogma be ascribed, so long as I can get sand 'tween my toes, and a seabreeze in my face.........a good boat, fair weather, heavy tackle, and lots of cold beer too ( sounds like a Buffet song huh? )

Actually, it sounds like Spicolli from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"!
on Apr 19, 2005
Dr Guy,
You're dating us again , I pictured it more along the lines of the closing scene in "Trading Places"....picture me as Akyroid...
on Apr 19, 2005
Wtf does banning a breed of dog have to do with Nazism? Does the fact that you have to be strickly regulated to own a mountain lion make the US a nazi state? What's the difference between a 200 pound rot with a propensity to kill and a 200 pound cat with a propensity to kill?

Believe what you like, but don't call me a fucking nazi because I don't like having to remember seeing a little girl torn to pieces by a pit bull. I didn't like having to help cut its *dead* jaws to get her head out of its mouth.

Ass. And yes, I called you a name. Blacklist me.

Don't make this out to be what color you paint your shack or where you can piss in your yard. I don't give a shit what you do, but I don't like having to keep a gun at hand to kill people's rabid "babies" that wander onto my property.
on Apr 19, 2005

Wtf does banning a breed of dog have to do with Nazism? Does the fact that you have to be strickly regulated to own a mountain lion make the US a nazi state? What's the difference between a 200 pound rot with a propensity to kill and a 200 pound cat with a propensity to kill?

It'snot JUST that; it's the "ban this, ban that!" movement that insists on banning everything someone deems offensive or unreasonable.

The article didn't call for responsible breeding or for penalties for an owner that trains a dog to attack humans and doesn't take necessary precautions to protect innocent individuals from the dog; it called for an outright BAN. Such a ban is an unreasonable response to a few irresponsible pit bull owners

on Apr 19, 2005
If you can equate Naziism to wanting to ban a dangerous breed of dog, you are either purposely insulting or ignorant of nazism. You aren't ignorant.

If you want to liken me to a nazi, fine, but maybe you ought to amend your little "name calling" rant. It doesn't weigh what it did before you posted this.
on Apr 19, 2005

If you can equate Naziism to wanting to ban a dangerous breed of dog, you are either purposely insulting or ignorant of nazism.

A Fair enough statement. I will edit the title of this article.

on Apr 19, 2005
Feel free to delete my comments that refer to Nazism. No reason for them to be here now.
on Apr 19, 2005
Damn, and here I was using this thread to paint a beautiful picture of a blissful coastal retreat from insanity, someone starts screaming and wakes me from my dream........
I was just about to reel in this 900lb Marlin too....
on Apr 19, 2005


I added in a disclaimer to explain why the nazism statements were relevant. While I did do the edit,it did bear mentioning that I edited the piece,and why. Your points were/are well taken.