Author's note: The title of this blog has been changed. The original article title was "Creating NAZI states within the US", but as rightly pointed out, while this does have to do with authoritarian states,it has nothing to do with nazi states).
After reading the latest blog proposing a ban on pit bulls,I think I've figured out a compromise that might help heal America.
Let's wall off several states and ban everything within those states. Each state would be tailored to a specific demographic. in liberal states, owning a gun would result in banishment from the state. In conservative states,owning a copy of anything written by JD Salinger,Hunter S. Thompson, or anyone to the left of the John Birch society would be burned immediately and the owners shot. Environmentalists could live in a world where stepping off of the concrete and killing the grasshoppers on the lawn results in an immediate $1000 fine and community service of patrolling the sub-Californian grassy leafhopper's home environment for 150 hours.
Meanwhile,the rest of us will live in tranquility, free fromthe imbeciles that don't seem to understand the Constitution was written for a REASON. And we can paint our houses purple and pluck off thumper from our back porch while pissing in the lilacs, free in the knowledge that the rest of you all are in your own private nazi state where you belong.