The title statement is a phrase virtually guaranteed to get my dander up. We have become a law crazy society, asking for legislation in virtually every area of life.
But what does legislation REALLY say? Legislation says, in essence, "You're too stupid to make responsible decisions for yourself". It is an affront to our intelligence, a waste of taxpayers' time and money, and, usually infringes on SOMEONE'S rights.
Now don't get me wrong. There are instances of good legislation, not because we are too stupid to make responsible decisions, but because a minority of our citizens WON'T make those responsible decisions. In this category, I would definitely place violent crime laws, as the issue at play here is that the victim's rights were violated. Property laws have the same justification.
But we've gone too far. Laws against livestock in suburban and urban areas restrict our rights to support our family, hunting laws in some cases restrict our right to control vermin (ask a corn belt farmer; deer, in certain situations, ARE vermin), zoning and environmental laws have restricted our rights to build on our property...the list goes on. In most cases these laws haven't even addressed the issues they were designed to address and additional legislation is put into play when that is discovered.
We as Americans have a right to make choices. I urge each and every one of you to make choices to liberty and stop surrendering others' rights to the government. You're NOT too stupid to make decisions for yourself.