The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 86
April 29, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
For those who know me, I have long desired to procure myself a popemobile. I came close to buying one 5 years ago (well, actually, I SAW one, and was only $249,986.57 away from the purchase price, but in national budget terms, that's only a small amount...but I digress). So I nearly jumped out of my seat (and gained the attention of the nazi librarian) when I saw Yahoo's news story on "popemobile" for sale. Turns out it was only Ratzinger's used Volkswagon. Come on, people, you just don...
April 29, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
For those who know me, I have long desired to procure myself a popemobile. I came close to buying one 5 years ago (well, actually, I SAW one, and was only $249,986.57 away from the purchase price, but in national budget terms, that's only a small amount...but I digress). So I nearly jumped out of my seat (and gained the attention of the nazi librarian) when I saw Yahoo's news story on "popemobile" for sale. Turns out it was only Ratzinger's used Volkswagon. Come on, people, you just don...
April 28, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm so caught in the middle of a couple of apparently unrelated recent controversies. The first revolves around the arrested five year old. This has sparked a debate about the treatment of juvenile offenders, and most debate centers around two camps: Camp A: The child is a "victim of society" and should be coddled at all costs Camp B: No second chances. They knew what they were doing before they did it Let me state outright that I disagree vehemently with BOTH camps. Children who offen...
April 28, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
As a Libertarian, I have often had sections of the opening chapter of "A Christmas Carol" thrown at me in regards to my opinion that charity is the responsibility of citizens, not of the government. Democrats wrongly align the attitude of small government Republicans and Libertarians with that of the pre-converted "Scrooge". But in making such an analogy, they take the book out of context. When visited by the men soliciting donations, Scrooge excuses himself from personal liability by poi...
April 28, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
As President Bush works to reform Social Security to insure the program's continuation beyond the next 40 years, Democrats have met him at every corner, often with strong opposition. Though they do not approve of the president's plan, they have yet to devise a coherent program of their own. Leaders today announced their new plan, titled "Building Extra Gains & Goals for American Retired Seniors", they will be issuing all retirees a standard tin drinking mug and a pre printed sign to assis...
April 28, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Let me give you, for a brief second, a glimpse inside my mind. Imagine a convoluted jumble of synapses firing in rapid succession, each one a route to an entirely different path of thinking. When you hear of a mind "going like 60", that's mine. Only it doesn't go in any one direction. I'm the guy who always pissed you off in high school by writing his entire 10 page history paper in homeroom....and not only passing with it, but getting an "A". I'm the guy who finished standardized tests...
April 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
For the uninitiated, please note the forum category before criticizing! Welcome to Gideon's Points-whore-a-thon to benefit Gideon MacLeish, once a top JoeUser blogger! Gideon has been suffering a points drought due to his inability to post at all hours (the library wouldn't let me in at 3 AM, sorry), and his inability to upload good points whoring materials on the library computer. He has been scooped on major news stories that generally fall within his domain and is falling into the abyss re...
April 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
For the uninitiated, please note the forum category before criticizing! Welcome to Gideon's Points-whore-a-thon to benefit Gideon MacLeish, once a top JoeUser blogger! Gideon has been suffering a points drought due to his inability to post at all hours (the library wouldn't let me in at 3 AM, sorry), and his inability to upload good points whoring materials on the library computer. He has been scooped on major news stories that generally fall within his domain and is falling into the abyss re...
April 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm wondering how I did it. At one time, my blog being in the top ten was almost a given. In fact, the only time it fell below was when I was offline due to having no access to the computer. Now, however, I'm at 14 and falling. Our favorite anti-Catholic blogger is about to leap on top of me. Most of the bloggers above me are worthy, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty embarassing to be on the brink of being passed by Jerry Falwell's retarded stepbrother! I know some of my art...
April 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
On my sister blog site, I received criticism for encouraging readers to click ads (not fraudulently, mind you, I encouraged them to read what was there!). Not surprisingly, it was used, not as constructive criticism on MY site, but as fodder for a blogger on another site who apparently was incapable of manufacturing a decent blog on her own (I suppose I could consider my contribution a form of charity, but I digress). I won't steal the thunder from my sister site and reveal the response arti...
April 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
If you haven't been to my sister site (linked on the sidebar) recently, I encourage you to take a look. As I've added in banners and advertisements, I've had to adjust them with my limited knowledge of where to copy/paste the HTML code. I'm slowly but surely getting "there" (remember, my online time is limited as I access from the library). I think it's looking a little cleaner, though.
April 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Everybody has a root canal phrase. The one that just causes you to cringe in disgust, and causes a flash of intense agony up your spine and through your jaw. Mine is any attachment of the word "humble" to "opinion". The phrase "humble opinion" is oxymoronic, because true humility revolves around deflating your own ego and keeping your tongue in cheek. Bill O'Reilly sets me off when he refers to himself as "your HUMBLE correspondent". The acronym "IMHO" is a more common offense, but I often...
April 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Yesterday, for the first time, I finally got to see a segment of the school videotapes of the recent five year old arrest. When the story first broke, I had a gut reaction that I desperately wanted NOT to be true. Not from the actions of the student, mind you, but from the REACTION of the mother. Five words that the mother said told me without even blinking that the mother was probably African American: "They set my baby up!" You see, too often, popular culture wants to teach African Am...
April 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I apologize for my premature naming of March's meathead of the month. Michael Schiavo would have made a MUCH better candidate than Mark McGwire. But, mistakes being what they are, I can move on with my "can't miss" for April. This month's meatheads (can't name one without the other) are India Akins, the mother of the arrested five year old, and the school that the five year old attended. India Akins deserves this award for absolving herself of parental responsibility above and beyond the c...
April 26, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
A woman in Scotland is suing a hospital because a 2001 abortion only terminated ONE of the two fetuses she was carrying. The woman, Stacy Dow, is suing for over $600,000 for the costs of raising the child. Can you imagine the self esteem of this poor child, as mommy sues the hospital because it didn't succeed in killing her? Or the anguish she will feel as she discovers she was a twin and wonders what could have been for her aborted sibling? No, this was a case better left alone. If Ms....