The journey from there to here
Published on April 26, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

A woman in Scotland is suing a hospital because a 2001 abortion only terminated ONE of the two fetuses she was carrying.

The woman, Stacy Dow, is suing for over $600,000 for the costs of raising the child.

Can you imagine the self esteem of this poor child, as mommy sues the hospital because it didn't succeed in killing her? Or the anguish she will feel as she discovers she was a twin and wonders what could have been for her aborted sibling?

No, this was a case better left alone. If Ms. Dow felt ill equipped, financially or otherwise, to raise her child, she would have been well advised to consider adoption instead.

on Apr 26, 2005

In this society where the body is the almighty temple that trumps everything else, including life and personal responsibility, this does not surprise me.  When newspapers are afraid to call a baby a baby until blessed by the parents (viable or not), this is not the last time this will happen.

Choice is a euphamism that masks the true horror of what they are pushing.  And no one can tell me that after aborting one twin, she did not realize she was still pregnant until the birth of baby #2.  Not unless she was so far along as twin #1 was already viable.

So much for choice.

on Apr 26, 2005
This poor kid has been put through the wash and could grow up with serious psychological issues. The mother (doesn't deserve that title) is living breathing biological excrement in a dress. I hope she can find someone who truly cares about her soon. And the sooner the better. But not telling her is an option I'd go for. At least until she's grown up. Then you may not want to tell her because she may be successful and such news could throw her world into a frenzy of confuses thoughts. If she's not successful and she's a drinking gruff butch lesbian motorcycle mama, the news could toss her into a suicidal-filled thoughts of anguish. Man, I tell ya, some people's kids....
on Apr 26, 2005
Brilliant thread Gid!!!...Makes one wonder when RETROACTION ABORTIONS will be started to get rid of "moms" like that.
on Apr 26, 2005
I could understand wanting your money back for the abortion, since they didn't do the whole job... but to sue for "raising" expenses? That's a little (read: a lot) too far.
on Apr 26, 2005
Brilliant thread Gid!!!...Makes one wonder when RETROACTION ABORTIONS will be started to get rid of "moms" like that.

Here in the states, they have already been labeled. They are called post Partum Abortions.