Yesterday, for the first time, I finally got to see a segment of the school videotapes of the recent five year old arrest.
When the story first broke, I had a gut reaction that I desperately wanted NOT to be true. Not from the actions of the student, mind you, but from the REACTION of the mother.
Five words that the mother said told me without even blinking that the mother was probably African American: "They set my baby up!"
You see, too often, popular culture wants to teach African Americans to be victims. And it's not confined to one side or another. Clarence Thomas famously referred to his sexual harassment investigation as a "high tech lynching". Michael Jackson's father and brother insist that race plays a role in his current trial. OJ Simpson's defense hinged around the premise of a black man "being framed".
I must admit, I would have breathed a sigh of relief if I had been proven wrong in this case. Frankly, I WANT to believe that more African Americans listen to Bill Cosby than Al Sharpton, but sadly, too often it seems not to be the case. And, in this instance, it definitely was NOT the case.
The mother, Ms Akins, should be ashamed.