The journey from there to here
Published on April 22, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

As I have travelled about, I have always felt it my duty to immerse myself in local culture. This has led down many interesting paths, including a dip in the frigid waters of Wisconsin's Lake Winnebago in January some years back.

So, it was a natural that when I saw the "redneck lawnmower racing" racetrack in town, I would have to find a way, ANY way, to procure a good lawnmower and join the racing circuit. I found a retired mechanic who wants to help design the machine, and so we're getting down to brass tacks.

Yesterday, we acquired the lawnmower to start the task. It's an older lawnmower, and the seating will have to be modified for a better ride, but it's a start. Once we get it together, we're turning the kids loose with spray paint to gussy it up a tad and, methinks, we should have quite a machine.

I'll keep you updated.

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