The journey from there to here

Growing up in the dead center of Tornado Alley, I have always had a fascination with thunderstorms and the twisters they so often spawn. When other people went out, I went in, often directing my car onto the Oklahoma backroads to see how close I could get to the storm's fury.

And so, yesterday, I became "official". As part of my duties with the volunteer fire department (which so far have consisted of handing out papers and taking an ambulance on a test spin; it's hell to be a rookie...but I digress), I was trained by the National Weather Service as a storm spotter and issued a number. I now have a cool decal on my car, and a card in my wallet that delineates me as official (although, as they warn us, the card can't be used as an excuse for speeding or running roadblocks).

On the coolness level of 1 to 10, this is about a 9.5. I'm reserving papal election for 10 (just because I missed this time doesn't mean my time won't come...I'm only 35).

on Apr 20, 2005
Hella-cool, Gideon! I love storms, but am far too chicken to be a storm-chaser. Be safe, and be sure to share your storm tales!
on Apr 20, 2005
Damn!  I always wanted to be one too, but being a coaster, I dont guess my services are needed.  Not too many (usually) in Ca or the east coast.
on Apr 20, 2005
Cruising the flatlands in the Pimpmobile chasing twisters......Sounds fun Gid! Just watch yourself out there, dont wanna end up in OZ right?
on Apr 20, 2005

Cruising the flatlands in the Pimpmobile chasing twisters......Sounds fun Gid! Just watch yourself out there, dont wanna end up in OZ right?

No, you get to Oz via Kansas. You get to ZOO via Texas.

on Apr 20, 2005
Good luck and be careful! Here's a bad boy I got to meet when I was a High School Senior in 1979 and was in the wrong town at the wrong time. Spooky. I had to change underwear when I finally made it home...
on Apr 20, 2005
Here in Hurricane country we often zip down to our lil trailer park on the coast to ride out a storm, last time it missed the park and hit our town 120 miles inland...shoulda just stayed home.....

So it goes......