The journey from there to here
Published on April 23, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

In his novel, 1984, George Orwell quite ominously and infamously coined the phrase "Big Brother". The idea was of a benevolent figurehead controlling our lives because he knew what was best for us.

Although Orwell's ideas carried on into common speech, the idea was not solely his. Many authors, notably Aldous Huxley and Thomas Moore presented the utopian ideal, the concept of a government where everybody lived under a government that told them what to do and how to live their lives. In every instance, the vision presented was frightening.

Up until two years ago, I truly thought the fears of a "big brother" government were simply the excesses of my mind's paranoiac tendencies. It was then that I found out that I had not been cautious ENOUGH.

Since then, I have dedicated a fair portion of my time to documenting government abuses in certain areas. I take great care to examine the suspicious (no, I do NOT believe the US government had anything to do with 9/11...although there are some questions that I, as others, would like to see answered...but I digress), and I work hard to put the situation into context.  But there are far too many cases to ignore altogether.

A recent news story covering the local CPS underscored my point. The lady stated that, EVEN IF YOU AREN'T VERY SURE that abuse is going on, you are supposed to call your local CPS if you see anything in your neighbor's behaviour towards their kids. Children are encouraged to turn in any illicit behaviour from their parents (and taught this in government schools).

A nearby school district is even considering mandatory exercise for 30 minutes a day. Although I don't see ENCOURAGING exercise as a bad thing, it's the whole "mandatory" issue that makes me shudder. It doesn't seem unreasonable to foresee a future legislature mandating daily calisthenics for adults (especially in light of California's reputed new legislation for voluntary sterilization of the obese).

The fears of a wayward government are no longer the product of a paranoid mind. The government is growing more and more intrusive, and, most frighteningly, it is doing so with the concent of the people. Too many, it seems, have read 1984 as a blueprint rather than as a warning, and our freedoms are quickly being forfeit.

It is time that responsible citizens DO something instead of standing back and watching it happen. In my opinion, the change can ONLY come about if we begin systematically removing "big two" candidates from office and replacing them with freedom loving individuals.

on Apr 23, 2005
Well taken,Gideon, however as an olderster I can remember a class called [physical ed].It was a schedualed integrated daily activity.There was also [home economics] for the girls. and then there was gym class. Although I didn't recall anybody complaining, some how over the years they just went away.I remember it as being fun and mostly a break after algebra, history etc.Of course back then as a youngster you did little complaining about anything, it likely would not do you much good.If you screwed up and the teacher gave you a whack on the butt with a board. You could believe you could expect another ,maybe even harder when you got home.But that was back when grown ups acted like grown ups.People were for the most part,responsible.However school boards, administrators,and even politicans saw this as a chance for control, and the fire was started.

Now as to us getting the goverment we deserve,This was profisied By a good president called "Ike".He warned of goverment and industry[while goverment and industry countered w him with unlieshing the military]. Back before the 04 elections I wrote time after time how we should not settle for a two party system.Although our choices were limited by the RNC/DNC [by design] very few people noticed, got involved, or even cared.[EXCEPT FOR OPEN DEBATES] Now we have a much bigger problem , we are about to become a socialist country.This I will explain at another time. Good BlogGideon
on Apr 23, 2005
There is already mandatory exercise in schools. It's called gym class.

Apart from that, good article. I wil admit I think that the government should help people (i.e. I believe in big government) but with limitations. We are probably approaching where I think the line should be drawn (or we may have past it...I'm not a genius when it comes to knowing all this stuff).
on Apr 23, 2005
"Educate & Inform"

That is the extent the government should go in "protecting us from ourselves". Educate us in the latest concepts of health, safety.. etc; Inform us of what we need to know so that we can make informed decisions. Leave the actual choices up to us.

Laws should be limited to our actions towards other people.

Protecting us from ourselves is at the heart of "big brother".