The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 59
December 18, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I had a really cool epiphany the other day. See, I know a good deal about my family ancestry, but haven't given it much thought. On my mother's side, I have Jewish ancestry (my great grandmother was Jewish), and on my father's side, I have Arab ancestry (great grandmother as well). But I never looked any closer. So, it was kind of amusing when I was reading through the encyclopedia the other day (yes, I do that from time to time). I came across the Berbers, which is where my Arabic ancestry o...
December 18, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Some time ago, LW blogged about AA as a "faith healing" organization. I wanted to link to that article as inspiration, but I couldn't find the link (if you find it, feel welcome to link it here). I believe AA has done far worse than that. I believe that AA is one of the agents that has brought about our culture of "victimhood"; a culture that is slowly destroying us as a country. I lived most of the first 33 years of my life as a victim. My actions were always the fault of a bad upbringing...
December 18, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
When my siblings and I were growing up, we would approach our father asking what he wanted for Christmas. "Nothing", was the standard reply, "I don't like Christmas, but I want you and the others to enjoy it". As I grew older, this was my model for "selflessness"; in my mind, expecting nothing materially while giving generously to those around you was a virtue, to be emulated and taught to others. Having kids changed my opinion on that. You see, children that grow with the model of giving ...
December 17, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA.  --Gordon Gekko (Mic...
December 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
So, I was listening to a talk radio show out of Amarillo. The show has a significant market, although not a huge one. The topic was the US Patriot Act. I got in towards the end of the show, and brought out my point that Child Protective Services has been, in many cases, violating those same civil rights for thirty years. The host rebutted that the difference was that there was judicial oversight, and I countered with the fact that the Patriot Act violations came about because we allowed ourse...
December 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
As many of my regular readers know, we have been dealing with false allegations against us lodged with the local CPS. I have written regularly of the way CPS has abused the rights of individuals in the past, and approach them very cautiously. I have given them no access to our home without a warrant, and have not allowed them to interview my children, based on my fourth amendment rights as repeatedly asserted in US courts over the years. Today I went to their office to speak with them about a...
December 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Hollywood is in a slump, as many media fans have noted. ANd so, ever in the interest of public service, I propose my offering to save Hollywood as we know it. As you all know, big screen remakes of small screen successes can reap big rewards for the movie moguls. And, best of all, they can piece together plots from hundreds of episodes over the years to produce a 2 hour screenplay, virtually eliminating a screenwriter with any talent whatsoever and relegating the task to well trained monkeys....
December 15, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, you know, I hate to jump on the liberal bandwagon, but it seems we did, indeed go to war on false pretenses. We were attacked viciously and many Americans lost their lives, but did we retaliate directly against the attackers? No. We instead attacked another nation, a sovereign nation that was not a direct threat to us at the time. To that end I demand we pay reparations to the nation of Germany and work to restore the Nazi Party to power. We had no right to invade following the December...
December 15, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
There's been a lot of talk about a "War on Christmas" this year. A lot of shops are requiring their employees to say"Happy Holidays" instead (not an entirely bad policy, mind you...inclusiveness is a good consideration for a retailer...I'd feel better about it if the policy were "advised" rather than required, though...but again, that's up to the working there is up to me....but I digress). And there have been lawsuits about various Christian displays by prominent atheists. I ha...
December 15, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Link Oxford, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, is losing its right to select its own students. In what appears to be nothing more than a glorified lottery, students will be chosen for the university randomly so as to include more lower class students. Sadly, the world of political correctness and socialism has so infected England that no longer will Oxford be ALLOWED to be the best of the best, or to ACCEPT the best of the best, but may, rather, within ten years, be...
December 15, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I am incensed at the left. While I am no closer to joining the GOP than I am the DNC, it is the left that has infuriated me by manipulating the poor for their support base while at the same time advocating for the extermination against many of the minorities disproportionately represented among the poor. One such area is in the area of "population control". Almost every dedicated leftist is an advocate of "population control" because it sounds like compassion for the planet, when in fact, it ...
December 15, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Most of you have probably never heard the name Alfred Anderson. Frankly, I hadn't either, until Scotland's oldest man passed away in late November. Alfred Anderson was the last known link to a remarkable chapter in history, the 1914 Christmas Truce. I blogged about it last year, and I feel it especially important to remember again this year. In 1914, well before the United States had entered World War I, the soldiers were embroiled in trench warfare on the Western front. On Christmas Day, ...
December 14, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
The trendy new thing among American liberal celebrities is adopting babies from Third World countries. Instead of a mink stole, it's now fashionable for a celebrity to sport a baby from an ethnic minority for a photo op before handing the baby off to a nanny to parent the remaining 23 hours, 59 minutes of the day. A lot of money has been spent extolling the virtues of adoptive parents as especially noble, caring and giving individuals. And some of them are. Certainly the middle income familie...
December 14, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, so here's the scenario: Seems that Ford Motor Company, in order to sell luxury cars, posted a few ads in gay themed magazines. Trying to sell some cars, and going where the market lies, right? (statistically speaking, homosexual couples would at least seemingly have more dispensary income as they often don't have children to care for, so they would be a good bet to target with luxury car ads, or so I would think). Not so fast. The conservative Christian watchdog groups called for a boycot...
December 13, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
It's getting to be that time of year where I'm glad I'm not back in Wisconsin. The upper midwest is gorgeous, but there is a bad side to it as well, a bad side that I, for one, have experience in dealing with. You see, when the days get short, especially when one is cooped up inside all day, people who are prone to depression anyway tend to suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Unlike so many other "fad" illnesses, SAD is very real, although, fortunately, very treatable. The trick is, you ...