Oxford, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, is losing its right to select its own students. In what appears to be nothing more than a glorified lottery, students will be chosen for the university randomly so as to include more lower class students.
Sadly, the world of political correctness and socialism has so infected England that no longer will Oxford be ALLOWED to be the best of the best, or to ACCEPT the best of the best, but may, rather, within ten years, be known as the best "Party school" in England by students who do not respect its sacred tradition and the academic excellence that has defined it for so many years.
I wouldn't regard that as a problem if it were confined to "the other side of the pond". But as a parent who is preparing my children in the hopes that one of them can gain admission to Stanford (would have been my first choice had I had the means), and that all of them can go to a school with a reputation for academic excellence, I am concerned that this PC madness will spread, that my children's hard work will be for naught, and that all that separates them from Podunk U. is a lottery drawing. I want them to have a REWARD for their hard work, and knowing that they have no better chance of attending a more prestigious university than their friend who skated by with a "C-" average is, put simply, an atrocity.