The journey from there to here
Published on December 18, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

I had a really cool epiphany the other day. See, I know a good deal about my family ancestry, but haven't given it much thought. On my mother's side, I have Jewish ancestry (my great grandmother was Jewish), and on my father's side, I have Arab ancestry (great grandmother as well). But I never looked any closer.

So, it was kind of amusing when I was reading through the encyclopedia the other day (yes, I do that from time to time). I came across the Berbers, which is where my Arabic ancestry originates, and found that, in fact, the Berbers originated in North Africa.

Which makes me 1/8 African American, if you want to think about it. More so than some of these bozos pressing for reparations. Call up Sharpton and have him send me the paperwork. I'm fixin' to get my 40 acres and a mule!

(Note: the preceding article was written in an EXTREMELY satirical vein).

on Dec 18, 2005
I suppose you want a metal too, huh?
on Dec 18, 2005
Opps, I think I meant to say medal, not metal!
on Dec 18, 2005
Berbers are not Arabs.
on Dec 18, 2005


This from Wikipedia. But nevermind, it was a smartassed article anyway. I'll be sure to consult you, all knowing one, before I post anything else, k?

I don't think so. Too bad I'm out of "trolling" ratings for the day!

Oh yeah, the wikipedia piece:


While population genetics is a young science still full of controversy, in general the genetic evidence appears to indicate that most northwest Africans (whether they consider themselves Berber or Arab) are predominantly of Berber origin, and that populations ancestral to the Berbers have been in the area since the Upper Paleolithic era. The genetically predominant ancestors of the Berbers appear to have come from the east - from East Africa, the Middle East, or both - but the details of this remain unclear. However, significant proportions of both the Berber and Arabized Berber gene pools derive from more recent migration of various Italic, Semitic, Germanic, and black sub-Saharan African peoples, all of whom have left their genetic footprints in the region.

on Dec 18, 2005
I wonder how many Americans of African descent who happen to have white skin would be eligible for "reparations"? Or would skin color (once again) be the be all, end all for those racists who are for reparations?
on Dec 18, 2005
I don't think so. Too bad I'm out of "trolling" ratings for the day!

sorry. Was trying to funny too.
on Dec 19, 2005
Technically, though, neither Jews or Arabs "count" as african americans, though when you fill out your government applications. Granted, they come from Africa technically, but they seem to get their own designation. Anything to keep from using the word "black" I guess...
on Dec 19, 2005
I was going by language families.

While both Berbers and Arabs speak Afro-Asiatic languages, the Berbers are in a different branch than Arabs (and Jews and Ethiopeans).

Coptic is a third branch.
on Dec 19, 2005

Technically, though, neither Jews or Arabs "count" as african americans, though when you fill out your government applications. Granted, they come from Africa technically, but they seem to get their own designation. Anything to keep from using the word "black" I guess

I know they don' point was that, while it might piss the government off, I would not be TECHNICALLY wrong by designating myself and my family "African-American" on the census forms. Sure, it would be misleading, but it would make a valid point.

on Dec 19, 2005
Opps, I think I meant to say medal, not metal!
Perhaps mettle.

I know they don' point was that, while it might piss the government off, I would not be TECHNICALLY wrong by designating myself and my family "African-American" on the census forms. Sure, it would be misleading, but it would make a valid point.
Be careful, having Arab blood you could be listed as "Al Qaeda Terrorist."

on Dec 19, 2005
Anything to keep from using the word "black" I guess...
According to Therssa Heinz.

on Dec 19, 2005
Come on, who really wants to be black anyway?

I prefer brown.
on Dec 19, 2005
Take heart, Gid, maybe NOW you can get a good government job!

Yeah, and if I can convince the regents at Harvard, maybe I can go to Harvard Law School on the quota system and come back and sue for reparations for my bruttha's

Whaddya think?
on Dec 20, 2005
But technically, since the first human life began in the Great Rift Valley in Africa, and spread from there, technically we are all 100% African-American.
on Dec 20, 2005
shh, latour...they're MY reparations! MINE I tells ya!

Besides, 1/8 trumps 1/5,000,000, THERE!