The trendy new thing among American liberal celebrities is adopting babies from Third World countries. Instead of a mink stole, it's now fashionable for a celebrity to sport a baby from an ethnic minority for a photo op before handing the baby off to a nanny to parent the remaining 23 hours, 59 minutes of the day.
A lot of money has been spent extolling the virtues of adoptive parents as especially noble, caring and giving individuals. And some of them are. Certainly the middle income families who put their homes up for second mortgages to adopt a child from an orphanage in Asia would qualify. But increasingly, adoption is becoming a selfish option.
Once upon a time, a mother, hard pressed by her financial situation and deserted by the father of her child, would place the baby up for adoption in the hopes that another family with more to give would want the baby and take it as their own. But with abortion on demand that is often paid for through "social" programs, less and less unwanted babies are available on the market. The supply, in other words, has decreased. But the demand has, if anything, INCREASED, as homosexual families wanting to "have it all" and obviously unable to have children the "natural" way look to the free market to find a baby. They comfort themselves with the delusion that the child was "unwanted", a delusion that is all too often untrue.
Do these celebrities, these fashionistas, think for one minute of the lives they may ruin by stripping a baby from a loving family on the grounds that they are better equipped to care for it? Do they care about the reign of terror played out on innocent, loving families in America's inner cities as Child "Protective" Services workers rip apart their lives, looking for SOME reason, ANY reason, to remove the child and place it up on the open market? Furthermore, do these "educated, enlightened" individuals even bother to CHECK the facts when they are presented with them? Or do they only care that their demand is fueled by a continual supply?
Celebrities could do much to imrove the lives of the families teir decisions affect. But doing so would work against their own self interest, as well fed, well housed, well educated families priovide less excuse for the government slave trade that is our nation's adoption mill.
Once upon a time, adoption may have been a loving option. But, "once upon a time" exists only in fairy tales, and in this day and age, so does the myth of "selfless adoptions".