As many of my regular readers know, we have been dealing with false allegations against us lodged with the local CPS. I have written regularly of the way CPS has abused the rights of individuals in the past, and approach them very cautiously. I have given them no access to our home without a warrant, and have not allowed them to interview my children, based on my fourth amendment rights as repeatedly asserted in US courts over the years.
Today I went to their office to speak with them about a concern. I brought a tape recorder and recorded the conversation. They still want to interview the children, which I allowed, PROVIDED I was allowed to observe the interview through a two way mirror and obtain a complete audiotape of the interview. They readily agreed to both terms, and we scheduled the interview. I gave them these concessions, although I could still require a warrant if I wanted to hold them to the letter of the law, precisely because they HAVE been cooperative to my requests and respectful of my rights. Whether it was the right move or not remains to be seen, but I have everything on tape. And they have, at this point, withdrawn their request for a home visit.
The last time they approached my house, they did so with a city marshall, and, of course, I was concerned. But, as it turns out, this particular city marshall (who came to town to try to get rid of the OTHER city marshall, and who is in league with the contingent that want to "throw us out of town") had REQUESTED that he accompany the investigator, NOT the other way around. I am currently looking into whether he may have violated our rights by using electronic surveillance, a possibility I have VERY real reason to believe, and will be filing a complaint against him if this is the case.
While a number of individuals questioned my approach, this was the result I had hoped for. I refuse to be a victim, complaining that my rights were violated AFTER the fact, but instead am insisting that my rights are respected at every point in the process. The thing that most people don't realize is that CPS is NOT above the law, nor should they be implied to be. The fact that I have everything on tape, plus will soon have the visibility of my announced candidacy give me assurances that most individuals do not have.