The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles In Entertainment » Page 2
May 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
So, I decided to at least tune into the opening credits of SNL Saturday. I was glad I did. Will Ferrell was the guest host. So, for a night, at least, it was tolerable and even sometimes funny. But the piece de resistance came when the band, Queens of the Stone Age, took the stage. I hadn't really heard much of their music, but decided not to depart to the kitchen for a late night snack. I was glad I stayed, as I saw a familiar face and there, on the stage, larger than life, was the world'...
May 16, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
So, I watched this season's Survivor finale last night. Hey, I only have four channels to choose from here, so it was the pick of the night. Anyway, what was surprising about this finale was, it was not surprising at all. The same man, Tom, who has essentially run the show from the beginning, won it all. Because EVERYONE else that ended up in the final five or six had been playing for second place. That bugged me. You don't play a game for second place, you play to win. But apparently nobo...
May 6, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, I had to post a personal followup comment to TexasWahine's comments about Star Wars: Ep. III's PG-13 rating. I am sure this will get an "insightful" from all the lightsaber waving fans of the world. Anyway, if it's going to be PG-13 anyway, why not some Padme full frontal? Come on, Lucas, throw us a bone! This is as close as some of your fans will get to a REAL human female breast. Or maybe he's saving that for the director's cut?
May 4, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I decided to find out what your favorite sitcoms were, in part to promote my own favorite. My favorite sitcom of all time would have to be the BBC show "The Young Ones":     As a teenager, I watched this show religiously on MTV. It was standard viewing in my circle of friends. It was creative, funny, and always featured a musical guest somewhat outside of the mainstream (interestingly enough, it was where I heard my first Van Morrison song, as a cover by one of the ba...
April 20, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, it seems Mr. Demi Moore...err, Ashton Kutcher, made a bet with his producer that if his new movie "A Lot Like Love" tops the weekend box office, he'll do a Calvin Klein underwear ad. With the lovely Amanda Peet as his costar, I think it's a safe bet we'll be forced to endure Kutcher in his skivvies. Now, to some women that might not be a bad thing. I understand that (frankly, if Amanda Peet had a similar Victoria's Secret ad deal going, I'd buy tickets for our entire household and lives...
April 15, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I don't think this has ever happened before in my LIFE. There are FOUR movies either released or soon to be released, that are on my "must see list". They are (in no particular order): Star Wars Ep. 3 (True, the other two were train wrecks, but I have to see this through to the end. bad could it be with Vader showing up? The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Though this could miss, the special effects look great. I'm just afraid they'll be too serious with it and miss Doug Ad...
April 1, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Apparently in a snafu that was dubbed "NOT an April Fool's Day joke", the BBC sent a request to the Bob Marley foundation to request an interview with the singer, who has been quietly decomposing somewhere in Jamaica for some 24 years now.   Article below:       BBC asks long-dead Bob Marley for interview 1 hour, 19 minutes ago LONDON (AFP) - A red-faced BBC apologised for requesting an interview with Bob Marley, the Jamaican reggae legend who died...
March 7, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
So, now that we have a TV again (see my article "Luddite no More"), I decided that Saturday evening I would sit down and watch SNL, as I hadn't been able to in months. Now, don't get me wrong; as far as humor goes, SNL has always had a bit of a "rise and fall" tendency; when the core comedians leave, it takes awhile for the other comedians to step up to the plate. Soooo, I watched the show. It was a rerun, from during the election, but it was HORRIBLE. I don't mean corny, I don't mean chee...
February 28, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Jamie Foxx really irritated me last night. Now, I didn't see the movie "Ray", and can't comment on whether his performance was Oscar worthy or not (although can't help but feel a little Oscar hypocrisy when they denied Denzel for so many wonderful performances on the premise that he hadn't built up a significant enough body of work to get an Oscar, and when he finally received one, it was for one of his LESSER roles). I have only seen clips from "Ray", and what I have seen definitely causes m...
February 26, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Very few shows can be pinpointed to the very DAY they jumped the shark. In my opinion, Saturday Night Live is one of those few. On October 3, 1992, the now infamous Sinead O'Connor episode,in which she ripped up a picture of the pope, aired. The once cutting edge comedy now had the same "cutting edge" as a pair of kindergarten safety scissors, as SNL caved to the outcry of the critics and the exclamations of "blasphemy". NBC, incidentally, has never allowed that clip to be shown again in reru...
January 31, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
OK. If the library woulda let me have coffee at the computer, I woulda spewed it. Apparently, the Santa Barbara International Film Festival has given Leonardo DiCaprio an award based on his lifetime achievements. Now, I will not question that DiCaprio has put out an impressive body of work, his teen idolship notwithstanding (although I consider his best role to have been in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" rather than "Titanic", but I digress). The point is, he's 30 years old. One would h...
August 9, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Just picked up on the news that Fay Wray passed away. It is so rare that someone who is largely remembered for a single role is so embedded in the American consciousness like Fay Wray. Wray produced a large body of works, to be sure, but none really survived past their era; "King Kong", however, is timeless. Wray was 96. So long, Fay Wray signing off, Gideon MacLeish