According to the news link above, Madonna has a policy against ice cream. And TV.
Although she doesn't say why TV is verbotten, one would have to assume that it has something to do with either a) the values portrayed on many television shows, or
the commercialism that TV sells as necessity in our society. Either way, it's slightly amusing.
Has the material mom suddenly turned prude, and decided that the values she paraded around in her book Sex are not the values she wants to be the focus of her child's life, despite her insistence in repeated interviews that other parents should "loosen up" and use those values for their own children? Has Kabballah opened her eyes to the error of her ways? (if it has, she sure doesn't seem to have a problem touring and singing those hits in front of large audiences for pay). Or has she, simply, learned a vital lesson that all parents learn at one time or another: that those who have no kids really don't have as much of a clue about parenting as they THINK they do.
It's amusing to watch, but I think there are a lot of parents out there that Madonna owes an apology. She, like many of us, did her best parenting when she didn't have kids of her own.