The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 72
July 28, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
(Author's Note: the meat of this article would have appeared as a comment rather than a separate article, but the author of the original post has an unfortunate history of deleting comments of which they don't approve, so I'd rather not take that chance). I caught a glimpse of an article on "The Early Show" about a "choking game", but it wasn't until I read a JU article about it that I understood the whole deal. Apparently an Idaho boy died while playing a "choking game", hanging himself with...
July 28, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
(author's note: the article below was copied and pasted from my own forum post on a Libertarian message board.)   Believe it or not, the federal government over the last four years has given us as Libertarians an incredible gift. Because of their continued violations of individual liberties, they've given us common ground with many Americans who are disgusted with a "nanny state", and they've given us wonderful opportunities to initiate discussions with those who may be teetering...
July 26, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Before this year's state of the Union speech, few people outside of Nevada had heard of Harry Reid. Although he'd given consistent service as a "favorite son" of southern Nevada, he'd pretty much flown below the radar. Now, Reid's name is prominently displayed as the liberal of liberals in most news media. The problem with this, is the state that Reid hails from is not, by nature a partisan Democrat state. Much of the state, in fact, has a heavily libertarian flavor, even among those who clai...
July 26, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I awoke this morning to a beautiful vision. Not since the landing of the aircraft Voyager, the first aircraft ever to circle the globe without refueling in December, 1986, had I been so proud as an aviation enthusiast as I was this morning when NASA finally quit stalling and launched the space shuttle Discovery into orbit. And, to top it off, the camera attached to the external fuel tank added a new and unique perspective to the whole launch. This was an important step for NASA. In the...
July 24, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, I am currently EXTREMELY sleep deprived from my work schedule, and seriously wanting to get home and get back to sleep. The site was down on every occasion last week that I had to access the internet, so you're all a bit out of touch with current events. So, if this article seems random, at times incoherent, or banal, please keep the above in mind while reading it. Big week last week on the political front. I finalized everything to organize the LP county party in my county, and had a c...
July 14, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, here's a scenario for you: a redneck walks into a bar, with full western wear. Problem is, it's a bar filled with metrosexual nancy boys, and one of them takes it upon himself to insult the redneck for his apparrel. Said redneck goes to his pickup truck (of course), gets his 12 gauge (of course), and proceeds to blow nancy boy's brains out the back of his skull. Did the insult, regardless of how provocative, justify the response? No. Not in any way, or in any stretch of the imagination. ...
July 14, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
When I was in high school, INXS was a favorite band of mine. So much so that my first ever debit card PIN was the four numbers that corresponded with the letters of the band's name. But as I aged, so did my musical tastes. No longer were formulaic groups like INXS and (gag!) the Hooters adequate for the tastes of a person seeking substance in the musical style and the lyrical content of his favorite bands. But, you can't erase some of those things in your past, and I still have fond memories of ...
July 14, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
One of my most poignant memories from high school came in my sophomore. An aviation enthusiast, I walked into my history classroom after lunch, greeting my classmates with a smile and an enthusiastic rehash of my day's escapades. I was urged to silence, however, by the somber faces that greeted me as we sat together and listened for the entire hour to the events that were happening in the wake of the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger . Our discussions later in the week would revolve aro...
July 7, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
The word "liberal" used to, at least implicitly, refer to a person who believed in the protection of individual liberties. Now it refers to those with a hard driving agenda to take it away. The liberal camp is increasingly pushing for mandatory, universal oversight of parenting practices. In short, having a child and not allowing government inspectors into your home could be automatic grounds for removal of the child, and, quite possibly, criminal prosecution. The liberal camp further push...
July 7, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
There is nothing more to say today than that we are sorry. We are sorry your citizens have been victimized by the brutal animals that would see killing and maiming innocent civilians as a means to obtaining their political agendas. Our hearts are with you as yours were with us almost 4 years ago. You have been our ally even as much of the world has aligned itself against us, and it is time for us to be yours. You are in our prayers.
July 7, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
To begin with, I need to apologize for the fact that I will be unable to copy/paste references for this article due to problems either with the library computer I am using or JU's database; I'm really not sure which. But the source material for much of what I am stating in this article can be found in my previous article "Training Families" and the Leftist Agenda. There is a push, spearheaded by Senator Hillary Clinton (Please remember, this is a woman often toted as the 2008 Democrat front...
July 7, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, now I've seen it all! Baker wrote an article on petty thieves, and sure enough, a respondent popped up blaming advertising on a perceived need that caused the person to commit theft. All I can say is "wow!" Now don't get me wrong; I own a TV (although we don't have cable), and I see the ads. But just as the recent tampon ads have not convinced me of the need to carry tampons along for temporary boat leakage repair, computer ads haven't convinced me of the need to own the biggest and...
July 7, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
First and foremost, before you call me to task for singling out the left, note that the governmental oversight of parents is an almost EXCLUSIVELY leftist agenda, and that Hillary Clinton, whose work provides much of the meat of the article is a (ahem) leftist senator with a voting record more liberal than Ted Kennedy. This article is meant to inform readers of exactly what they will be getting if they continue to embrace the left. Second, I must add a qualifier. Although I can affirm most of...
July 6, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
This is about as close to an apology as I get. I titled a recent article "Liberals Killed Shasta Groene's Family", and while I don't regret it or the point it made, I DO see the legitimacy of the criticism that followed on Myrrander's thread (for the record, when Myrrander addresses a reply on his blog, it's not point whoring, it's because he CAN'T--through no fault of mine--reply directly to my articles, so it's completely acceptable). And the fact is, in one sense I didn't go far enough to ...
July 6, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I know admin has their own policies regarding banning members, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents here. I'm really hoping that in some future day when JU has "pay" features, premium users can choose whether to allow/disallow banned members access to their pages. I don't know the admin's criteria for reinstatement; frankly that's a matter between them and the offending member, but I do know that there are banned users whose input I would generally prefer to have on my page (and whom I wou...