The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 71
August 10, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm not a huge gamer, really, but I have had random moments of addiction to SimCity and other "Sim" games (aside from my once-upon-a-time "Carmageddon" marathons, it is among the few genres of video games that have consistently captured my attention). One of the strategies, of course, of these games is to set taxes. Too low, and you don't have enough revenue to operate. Too far and the residents run from your town faster than Michael Moore from Richard Simmons. Too bad modern politicians ...
August 4, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I had to write this article because the writer of the article that inspired it made it clear that no debate or elaboration on the responses was allowed, just a simple "yes" or "no" answer. For one thing, the question wasn't about whether the Iraq war is/was morally justified, but whether we should have troops stationed there right now. ANd, as opposed as I am to the concept of war, I have to say that, FOR THE MOMENT, my answer would have to be a reluctant "yes". You see, I also believe fir...
August 4, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
There's an old parable from the east. It's daoist, or buddhist, or something, and I'm sure i'll butcher it, but it serves to illustrate my point: A mouse is running from a lion. As he runs, he fails to see the cliff up ahead. He tumbles over the cliff, only to grasp a strawberry vine hanging from the side of the cliff. As he hangs on, he sees tigers below, waiting for a tasty morsel to drop. He looks at the vine, which is slowly being pulled from the cliff by his added weight, and at the end ...
August 4, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Link Interesting bit o'news about a Florida man who told his wife he had killed a hitchhiker because he was trying to get her to leave him. Authorities aren't too happy because of the time spent on the search. Seems to me this guy ain't playing with a full deck!
August 4, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Link Oh, Martha Stewart, you wild rebel, you.According to the Yahoo! News article, Martha Stewart violated the terms of her house arrest to attend a yoga class. The design diva agreed to three additional weeks of house arrest confinement for her violation.Keep this up, Martha! It'll only make me want you MORE (boo-YAH!)
August 3, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Link Sony Pictures has been sued for using fake movie reviews to sell several of its movies. Because it was a class action suit, moviegoers can file to receive a $5 per person reimbursement. What happened, basically, is this: in the promotion of several of its movies, Sony's PR department cited a "David Manning of the Ridgefield Press". There was no such person, and the filers of the suit said they had been mislead by bogus reviews into seeing the movie. COME ON, FOLKS! Every movi...
August 3, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
In the city nearest us, as with many cities, there is an organization handing out "free" school supplies for the children. Although we homeschool, we have in the past been recipients of such programs, and we financially qualify this year as well. But then comes the fine print. You see, in order to receive the school supplies, every child receiving supplies must show up in person. Their parents cannot collect the items for them. And they must attend a 20 to 30 minute presentation. Now, the ...
August 3, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
So, they had an emergency awareness training for certain people within our county. The idea is this: millions of federal dollars spent in a rural Texas Panhandle county (population: 23,000) to address possible terror threats. Based on the assumption that we will be a primary target of terrorists. Believe it or not, folks, every county in the nation has a list of reasons why it "would be a primary terror target". But most of them are wrong. While a terror attack in the heartland might po...
August 3, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
In light of the recent steroid ban, writers who have long looked for an excuse to keep Rafael Palmeiro out of the Hall of Fame have found it. But does their argument have a solid foundation? Let's say for a second that it does. I'll follow up with the question: based on WHAT? Rules violations? I bet noone's arguing for Kenny Rogers' omission after his infamous altercation. And George Brett, of pine tar infamy, hasn't been denied his rightful place among baseball's immortals. If you look at th...
August 2, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
(Note: Champas' article on capitalism, while it sparked this article, is by no means the ONLY article that brought this article about. While I respect champas' view, I must respectfully disagree at the same time and in the same breath). I have seen a lot of blog articles on joeuser and throughout the internet by nonAmericans who wish to micromanage our country with their own pet philosophies, ignorant of the Democratic processes that have brought many of our country's policies about. While I ...
August 2, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, it seems, the punk era is definitely nearing an end. According to Yahoo! News, singer/songwriter Steven Van Zandt is involved in efforts to save the birthplace of punk as the lease of the club runs out and the property owners are leaning against renewing the lease for the club, which is housed in a building that is also used to shelter homeless individuals. Van Zandt said that a proposal was offered to pay more rent for the club and to use the club to raise money for the cause, but that no...
August 2, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
JoeUser's going through another one of it's personal battles. So, in the interest of restoring civility, I decided to abandon my usual political bent for one article and blog about "fluffy" bunnies". I mean, if we can't all agree on "fluffy bunnies", what CAN we agree on. So, here it goes. There it is, for all you aesthetes out of fluffy bunnies for your peaceful enjoyment. BUT... Because I cannot live without SOME strife, I've decided to provide some ...
August 2, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
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July 31, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm hoping this blog article doesn't hold the blogosphere's equivalent of the "Sports Illustrated" cover jinx. As a diehard Seattle Mariners fan, I watched Ken Griffey Junior back when he was fun to watch. Back when he was one of the most exciting players of the game. I watched him help build the M's to respectability and several playoff appearances, then get a big head and take off for Cincinnatti, where he has put up subpar numbers in every year since the move, and has yet to complete a sea...
July 28, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Let's say I accuse you of being a warthog faced buffoon. I have pictures of warthogs, and I have pictures of you, and I have credible experts to attest to the physical resemblance. I have expert witnesses on buffoonery to testify that you do, indeed, exhibit all of the characteristics of being a warthog faced buffoon. I have proven you to be a warthog faced buffoon. Haven't I? Not so fast. You see, you may have expert witnesses of your own. These experts may be able to testify that your...