Let's say I accuse you of being a warthog faced buffoon.
I have pictures of warthogs, and I have pictures of you, and I have credible experts to attest to the physical resemblance. I have expert witnesses on buffoonery to testify that you do, indeed, exhibit all of the characteristics of being a warthog faced buffoon. I have proven you to be a warthog faced buffoon.
Haven't I?
Not so fast. You see, you may have expert witnesses of your own. These experts may be able to testify that your face is more reminiscent of that of an Amazonian wombat, or that certain tricks of the light or digital manipulation may have been made to the pictures that cause you to resemble a baboon. They may have equally compelling experts on buffoonery that cast doubt on the state witnesses. And that, my friend, is why the system was set up for you to be able to go to TRIAL to discern the facts.
Now, we have an alleged warthog faced buffoon---err, I mean, alleged leak in Washington who has not been given the same benefit, which is essential to our remaining a republic. Whatever I may think of Karl Rove or of his party is immaterial to the fact that he deserves to have the facts presented before he is adjudged guilty. And that his resignation, or his dismissal by the commander in chief would not only be premature at this point, but would be a grave miscarriage of justice.