The journey from there to here

Let's say I accuse you of being a warthog faced buffoon.

I have pictures of warthogs, and I have pictures of you, and I have credible experts to attest to the physical resemblance. I have expert witnesses on buffoonery to testify that you do, indeed, exhibit all of the characteristics of being a warthog faced buffoon. I have proven you to be a warthog faced buffoon.

Haven't I?

Not so fast. You see, you may have expert witnesses of your own. These experts may be able to testify that your face is more reminiscent of that of an Amazonian wombat, or that certain tricks of the light or digital manipulation may have been made to the pictures that cause you to resemble a baboon. They may have equally compelling experts on buffoonery that cast doubt on the state witnesses. And that, my friend, is why the system was set up for you to be able to go to TRIAL to discern the facts.

Now, we have an alleged warthog faced buffoon---err, I mean, alleged leak in Washington who has not been given the same benefit, which is essential to our remaining a republic. Whatever I may think of Karl Rove or of his party is immaterial to the fact that he deserves to have the facts presented before he is adjudged guilty. And that his resignation, or his dismissal by the commander in chief would not only be premature at this point, but would be a grave miscarriage of justice.

on Jul 28, 2005
Warthog faced buffon to Amazonian wombat, are you still fingering evolution. Nice post, I wish I knew more about your countries politics.
on Jul 28, 2005
Bush's nickname for him is "turd blossom" isn't it?
on Jul 28, 2005
Let's say I accuse you of being a warthog faced buffoon

--How'd you know?

--Interesting/Insightful article Gideon, and i agree...
on Jul 29, 2005
on Jul 29, 2005
Agreed. Let the system run it's course.

on Jul 29, 2005
It is not a question of justice tho.  The liberal leadership has demonstrated that they care not for the rule of law, just that if you do not agree with them, then you must be guilty, evidence be damned.  Dean has already judged Rove, Bush, Cheny and Delay guilty, even if he cannot intelligently ennumerate any charges.
on Jul 29, 2005
What REALLY happens most of the time is that you are accused of looking like a buffoon and thrown into jail. A high bond is set -one you can't possibly make- and you reside there for a year. At the years end, the prosecution says "Naw, you don't look like a buffoon!" and the charge is dismissed and you go free, happy to be out with your no-buffoon looking status.

So you don't look like a buffoon! Don't matter now,you were punished for it anyway...
on Jul 29, 2005
good article gid.

Trial by newspaper is becomming way to common, I believe that it makes it next to impossible to get a fair trial.
on Jul 29, 2005
Nice article, Gideon. Attributing this to one side of the political spectrum isn't really an astute determination as both use the court of public opinion freely. Two changes should be enacted-all spinning should be suspended until the official investigation is accomplished and evidence presented to the grand jury for indictment determination.. Secondly, many states have enacted legislation directing all proceeds from books, movies, etc., negotiated by a convicted felon should go to the victims of the person's crime instead of the criminal's bank account. Its ironic that felons negotiate book deals, movie contract, etc., while sitting in prison and then leave on parole to a very wealthy nk account.
on Jul 29, 2005

The liberal leadership has demonstrated that they care not for the rule of law, just that if you do not agree with them, then you must be guilty, evidence be damned

if it were possible to read every article posted to ju in which joe wilson is mentioned without finding at least one  baseless allegation, unfounded insinuation or outright prevarication about wilson's report on niger--either in the text or the comments--you wouldn't look half so deliberately blind and partisan as you do now.  

you might also want to take a read backward thru the allegations, invective and condemnation heaped upon michael schiavo before you make your next pronouncement about respecting innocence until guilt is proven and the rules of law and evidence.

on Jul 30, 2005

if it were possible to read every article posted to ju in which joe wilson is mentioned without finding at least one baseless allegation, unfounded insinuation or outright prevarication about wilson's report on niger--either in the text or the comments--you wouldn't look half so deliberately blind and partisan as you do now.

Scuse me, kb, but I was definitive in my statement.  The liberal leadership.  is that too hard for you to understand?  Did I say Joe Wilson?  No.  Do you want it backed up?  Are you sersious?

Why cant you respond to the statement written, even with qualifiiers already in place, instead of trying to read something not in evidence into the statement.  If you want to talk about Joe Wilson, do so, but dont tell me I was in anyway referring to him.

As far as Michael Schiavo, show me where I made any.  I will show you where he is an asshole, a cad, and a cretin.  I never charged him with anything other than expedience (legal as it was) to get rid of a moral obligation.

Stick that up your stove pipe and smoke it.

on Jul 31, 2005

The liberal leadership

jeez i guess i gotta spell everything out.  your self-righteous condemnation of the liberal leadership totally ignores the fact that those attacks on wilson come from the conservative leadership. 

i wasnt saying you you were referring to joe wilson.  i was merely pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of your allegation with two recent examples.  

on Aug 01, 2005

jeez i guess i gotta spell everything out. your self-righteous condemnation of the liberal leadership totally ignores the fact that those attacks on wilson come from the conservative leadership.

Prove it.  link to the judge jury and conviction of Joe Wilson.