The journey from there to here
Link Oh, Martha Stewart, you wild rebel, you. According to the Yahoo! News article, Martha Stewart violated the terms of her house arrest to attend a yoga class. The design diva agreed to three additional weeks of house arrest confinement for her violation. Keep this up, Martha! It'll only make me want you MORE (boo-YAH!)
on Aug 04, 2005
For that violation, she should get the death penalty!  She is lucky to be getting off with just 3 weeks!  Just another bourgeois example of how the rich skate the legal system.
on Aug 04, 2005
Isn't it great that we have people devoted to keeping track of this woman, while every state has a long list of 'on the run' sex offenders? That guy that killed the family and kidnapped the little girl now is suspected of killing another 10 year old back in 1997.

Thank God they are protecting us from Martha Stewart, though. When I lock my doors and check my windows at night, I rest easy knowing that there aren't evil stock market manipulators lurking in the bushes...
on Aug 04, 2005

But...but...but....Martha Stewart could be meeting secretly with the illuminati to bring down the world's financial system as we speak. We all know Yoga is associated with new age thinking, and, of course, new age thought is the religion of the illuminati, so it stands to reason Martha Stewart's yoga class could be a "front" for a secret meeting. Anyone notice an Enron jet at the airport?

We need to crack down on this evil woman before she takes over the world. I think I'll be buying my aluminum foil beanie plans off of dharma now!
on Aug 04, 2005
This site might help, they have the plans for one. Though I don't know if you can trust them, they might be working for "them" and it's just plans on how to better control you.