The journey from there to here

I had to write this article because the writer of the article that inspired it made it clear that no debate or elaboration on the responses was allowed, just a simple "yes" or "no" answer.

For one thing, the question wasn't about whether the Iraq war is/was morally justified, but whether we should have troops stationed there right now. ANd, as opposed as I am to the concept of war, I have to say that, FOR THE MOMENT, my answer would have to be a reluctant "yes".

You see, I also believe firmly in the rights of so many Iraqis who had nothing to do with this damn war, who are simply trying to live their lives and raise their children as best they can in a crazy world where a whole lot of people with whom they are firmly disconnected are making decisions about their lives. It is all too easy to forget, from the perspectives of those who live in a nation where guns and ammunition can be purchased at the nearest Wal-Mart, that there are those who do not have the opportunity to procure weapons for the defense of their own home, let alone their nation, against the rogue elements who would control and divide. And, while I remain staunchly Libertarian in almost every way, I believe that our withdrawal from Iraq should be planned, calculated and controlled, and not a sudden massive withdrawal that will destabilize the nation and rapidly lead the same monsters back to the throne as the one we ousted in the first place.

To sum up my beliefs and my feelings with a simple "yes" or "no" would not be responsible, or fair. This is not a "poll" question that can be answered as simply as, say, industrialm hemp legalization. My feelings on the issue are far too complex for that.

You might want to consider that next time you make a poll question a blog subject.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 04, 2005
on Aug 04, 2005
He may not be getting the responses he wants, but he has already caused 2 other articles to be written.  Maybe he can get an award for generating the most articles from a stupid question?
on Aug 04, 2005
What about Afghanistan?
on Aug 04, 2005
It is all too easy to forget, from the perspectives of those who live in a nation where guns and ammunition can be purchased at the nearest Wal-Mart, that there are those who do not have the opportunity to procure weapons for the defense of their own home, let alone their nation, against the rogue elements who would control and divide

if anything, iraq should be the nra poster nation. it's all too easy from the perspective of those who live in a nation where every family is permitted to own one assault rifle--but with only one, how the hell are ya gonna celebrate weddings, funerals or buying a new car properly--to forget a lotta americans really believe small arms are enough to keep a modern army from occupying your country.
on Aug 04, 2005
This is a difficult call because stability is a hard balancing act in the ME. Does stability come with more troops or less of a presence?

A good follow up would be to discuss what happens should another country become targetted. Technically Iran has but if they happen to just get missled one day, well than things would be interesting.

Good questions will be:

Is there enough interest to repeat the events of Iraq in Iran?

Will there be more support or more backlash from the international community?

Will there even be any attempt at rationalizing an action or simply react to a new catalyzing event?
on Aug 04, 2005

Good questions will be:

Is there enough interest to repeat the events of Iraq in Iran?

Will there be more support or more backlash from the international community?

Will there even be any attempt at rationalizing an action or simply react to a new catalyzing event?

Better Questions:

Will Iran be needed after they have seen Iraq?

Will The international community do anything about Sudan or Rwanda?

Will the nay sayers ever give credit where credit is due?

on Aug 04, 2005
Your description of what going on in Iraq as a war is laughable. It was initially an invasion and has since become an occupation. If you call that a war then i hope i never find myself relying on you for a reference of a plumber lest i wish to be left with a swimming pool in my basement.

Your article seems to be finding fault with polling. The purpose of a poll is too do exactly what you seem to be describing as it's primary flaw. To reduce sometimes complex deliberations down into very simple yes/no responses. Its one of the most basic tools of the democratic process a.k.a a vote.

Its irrelevant that you have actually think before you answer and its surprising that you find this to be a flaw in the "polling" system. The idea is that after all your deliberations which side do you come out on, Yes or No. Polling is only irresponsible when those who participate in them do not think before they answer. The poll itself is not the problem but rather those its polling.

That aside the bulk of your article seems to make a case that this whole problem could have been avoided if only the Iraqis had more guns. This is an absurd proposition. As is any ascertain that the American invasion of Iraq was borne out of a desire to emancipate and democratize the Iraqi population. That is simply the current "cover story" to make Americans swallow their returning dead under some misguided belief in "Freedom". There was no such cover story in the beginning when it was about the imminent threat, the 45min countdown to Americas destruction, etc, etc. It only became the cover story once the initial offering was proven to be so obviously untrue and a somewhat laughable concoction.

Quite simply Saddam Hussain didn't continue to do as he was told and so an example needed to made. Dont fuck with the US!

So spare us the "Disney" version of events. Anyone with even a basic understanding of global politiking knows exactly what the invasion of Iraq is all about and that it has nothing whatsoever do with a concern for the Iraqi peoples. Its about the domonstration of existing military power and the securing of future economic power for the US. Iraq is of strategic interest to the US and quite frankley the whole situation would be a damn site easier to handle with a totalitarian dictator in charge than it will be with some poxy democratic process in place. At least with compliant dictatorships in charge the US dont have to go along with the charade of democracy and all its tiresome institutions as seen in Western states.
on Aug 05, 2005
should america have gone to war with Iraq? NO

afganistan? yes.

now that we are in a war should we fight to win? yes
on Aug 05, 2005
And what's wrong with that? You sound impotent and jealous of our power, let me guess, you must be from France or Canada...

Of all the countries in the world you chose these two? Im am from neither. You clearly have some inbuilt bias towards these nations but i can assure you that Anti American sentiment stretches well beyond the borders of these 2 countries.

Your interpretation of the statement you quoted is also misdirected. I didn't actually make a judgement on whether it was a good thing or a bad... but clearly you feel some guilt about it, otherwise why would you immediately jump to the conclusion that it had a negative connotion attached to it?

You sound impotent and jealous of our power

This is just more tiresome flamebait. What exactly do you mean by "OUR" power?

Beyond higher taxes, less social spending and mounting casualities how exactly are YOU sharing in the decision to overthrow Saddam?

Id suggest you take all your rancid bitterness and channel it into getting yourself out of whatever rigid cage is making you so agitated. Because if either of us is impotent in this life Little-Whip, it's you.

Jealous of you, is one thing i am definitely not.
Enjoy your confines.
on Aug 05, 2005
hmmmmmmm reikihouse and zinkadoodle disappear, and lo and behold bigrick reappers, coincidence? I think not.
on Aug 05, 2005
LOL RH didn't disappear, he was booted. So I see where he might try to establish a new persona. I dod not know if the BR is him or not, but the venom sounds like it. ID: 1325057
User Access: Exiled(-1)
Nickname: Citizen Reiki-House

LOL Exiled! I like the term choice...
on Aug 05, 2005
America created the problem, it can't leave it to someone else to clear up.
on Aug 05, 2005
go bigrickstallion, enjoy beating your head against the JU right wing wall. You may already know but there are better forums.
on Aug 05, 2005

hmmmmmmm reikihouse and zinkadoodle disappear, and lo and behold bigrick reappers, coincidence? I think not.

He has been around for 3 months.  Probably not them as he does not seem to use profane langauge.

on Aug 05, 2005
"hmmmmmmm reikihouse and zinkadoodle disappear, and lo and behold bigrick reappers, coincidence? I think not."
Oh and they are paranoid as well....hahahahaha
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