The journey from there to here

I had to write this article because the writer of the article that inspired it made it clear that no debate or elaboration on the responses was allowed, just a simple "yes" or "no" answer.

For one thing, the question wasn't about whether the Iraq war is/was morally justified, but whether we should have troops stationed there right now. ANd, as opposed as I am to the concept of war, I have to say that, FOR THE MOMENT, my answer would have to be a reluctant "yes".

You see, I also believe firmly in the rights of so many Iraqis who had nothing to do with this damn war, who are simply trying to live their lives and raise their children as best they can in a crazy world where a whole lot of people with whom they are firmly disconnected are making decisions about their lives. It is all too easy to forget, from the perspectives of those who live in a nation where guns and ammunition can be purchased at the nearest Wal-Mart, that there are those who do not have the opportunity to procure weapons for the defense of their own home, let alone their nation, against the rogue elements who would control and divide. And, while I remain staunchly Libertarian in almost every way, I believe that our withdrawal from Iraq should be planned, calculated and controlled, and not a sudden massive withdrawal that will destabilize the nation and rapidly lead the same monsters back to the throne as the one we ousted in the first place.

To sum up my beliefs and my feelings with a simple "yes" or "no" would not be responsible, or fair. This is not a "poll" question that can be answered as simply as, say, industrialm hemp legalization. My feelings on the issue are far too complex for that.

You might want to consider that next time you make a poll question a blog subject.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 11, 2005
No, again for another reason and that is , from the one and only Mick Jagger's song (will be released in September ):
How come you're so wrong? My sweet neo-con, where's the money gone, in the Pentagon,"
"It's liberty for all, democracy's our style, unless you are against us, then it's prison without trial."
G W B. is so similar to B.laden and both seems to have the same very stupid god
stay tuned

on Aug 11, 2005

Also I am not a power-blogger like you guys, I don't know Dabe nor do I care.

The Care blog is over on Little Whips site.  You lucky devil!

on Aug 11, 2005

The Care blog is over on Little Whips site

I couldn't find it
on Aug 11, 2005

I couldn't find it

Oh well, it is not important.  It is important that you dont care.  LW will find you. hehehehehehehe

on Aug 12, 2005

when you yourself carry on like this. Writing an entire article to just to point out how inferior the reasoning behind someelse article was and ending your own article with

My blog, my rules.

on Aug 12, 2005

It seems to me BRS had a very well thought out response that you couldn;t handle simply because it pointing out the awkwardness of your thinking. Blacklisting him/her makes you seem like a total wimp.

Not at all. Think what you want, the fact that you're too much of an intellectual coward to log on with a user name to a FREE site causes me to have, umm, ZERO respect for your opinion (and to think that you're probably "rick" under an anonymous name....REAL good cover there...NOT!)

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