The journey from there to here

I had to write this article because the writer of the article that inspired it made it clear that no debate or elaboration on the responses was allowed, just a simple "yes" or "no" answer.

For one thing, the question wasn't about whether the Iraq war is/was morally justified, but whether we should have troops stationed there right now. ANd, as opposed as I am to the concept of war, I have to say that, FOR THE MOMENT, my answer would have to be a reluctant "yes".

You see, I also believe firmly in the rights of so many Iraqis who had nothing to do with this damn war, who are simply trying to live their lives and raise their children as best they can in a crazy world where a whole lot of people with whom they are firmly disconnected are making decisions about their lives. It is all too easy to forget, from the perspectives of those who live in a nation where guns and ammunition can be purchased at the nearest Wal-Mart, that there are those who do not have the opportunity to procure weapons for the defense of their own home, let alone their nation, against the rogue elements who would control and divide. And, while I remain staunchly Libertarian in almost every way, I believe that our withdrawal from Iraq should be planned, calculated and controlled, and not a sudden massive withdrawal that will destabilize the nation and rapidly lead the same monsters back to the throne as the one we ousted in the first place.

To sum up my beliefs and my feelings with a simple "yes" or "no" would not be responsible, or fair. This is not a "poll" question that can be answered as simply as, say, industrialm hemp legalization. My feelings on the issue are far too complex for that.

You might want to consider that next time you make a poll question a blog subject.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 05, 2005
15 by Dr. Guy
Friday, August 05, 2005

behold bigrick reappers

LOOK AGAIN doc, I said re appears not appears,
on Aug 05, 2005

LOOK AGAIN doc, I said re appears not appears,

I stand corrected.  I had not reallized he was gone.

on Aug 05, 2005
Oh and they are paranoid as well....hahahahaha

just because someone is paranoid, does not negate the truth.
on Aug 07, 2005

Your article seems to be finding fault with polling. The purpose of a poll is too do exactly what you seem to be describing as it's primary flaw. To reduce sometimes complex deliberations down into very simple yes/no responses. Its one of the most basic tools of the democratic process a.k.a a vote.


One, the poll was not even REMOTELY scientific, two, the blogger made the responses overly simplistic, and three, you just earned a trolling rating. I never claimed "my" version of things to be the definitive, just that my answer could not be summed up in a "yes" or "no" response.

Oh, and...welcome to the blacklist while we're at it!

on Aug 08, 2005
At 300 billion USD, a resounding no
on Aug 08, 2005

At 300 billion USD, a resounding no

At least you are rational in your opposition.

on Aug 09, 2005
Attacking Iran is out of the question even though they are going nuclear, the US is always after a weak target, Afganistan, Iraq, not N Koria nor Iran.Bush's huge PR machines , which is all the American mainstream media, can not make anybody swallow any excuse to do Iran or N Koria
on Aug 09, 2005

Your description of what going on in Iraq as a war is laughable. It was initially an invasion and has since become an occupation. If you call that a war then i hope i never find myself relying on you for a reference of a plumber lest i wish to be left with a swimming pool in my basement.

You are talking without thinking! An occupation of a country means that you as the occupier control ALL facets of the occupied contry's government. We DO NOT control their government and never have. They have a government that was "elected" by them. NOT put into power by us!
on Aug 09, 2005
Your article seems to be finding fault with polling. The purpose of a poll is too do exactly what you seem to be describing as it's primary flaw. To reduce sometimes complex deliberations down into very simple yes/no responses. Its one of the most basic tools of the democratic process a.k.a a vote.

Wrong answer! A poll is a "SMALL" segment of the population! A "vote" is done by an ENTIRE voting population! If your going to spout off at least get your facts straight!
on Aug 09, 2005
One, the poll was not even REMOTELY scientific, two, the blogger made the responses overly simplistic, and three, you just earned a trolling rating. I never claimed "my" version of things to be the definitive, just that my answer could not be summed up in a "yes" or "no" response.
Oh, and...welcome to the blacklist while we're at it!

Wow gid you are being a prick
You blacklist the guy for having a civilized response to you?
Not like you to be Blacklist happy

In regards to my polling post I made
Not all articles have to be long drawn out articles
I just think some of you are unable to give a Yes / No answer, thats all.
I can clearly see which way JU leans to now though
on Aug 10, 2005

Wow gid you are being a prick
You blacklist the guy for having a civilized response to you?
Not like you to be Blacklist happy


I'm still not being blacklist happy. Reread bigrick's post. It was EXTREMELY condescending and self important. The time I have spent on JU has made it clear to me where such people are headed when they "lead in" with posts such as bigrick's...and I really don't want this thread headed that way, points or no points.

This was HARDLY  "cheerleading" article for the Iraq war. I was attempting to communicate that my feelings towards our Iraq war involvement cannot be summed up in a yes or no response (and to do so without polluting your article with my answer). I have no problem with your requirements for a yes/no answer on your article, but I simply can't provide one. Morally, I am opposed to ALL war, so then my answer on one level should be "no". BUT, I also felt the pain after 9/11 and saw the necessity of military involvement in Afghanistan, if not Iraq (whether Iraq was involved in 9/11 in any way or a subject for another article entirely, one that I personally have no wish to write), and the fact that we're already ass deep in this thing and that troop withdrawal without stabilizing the nation cause me to lean towards a "yes" answer. But I am by no means a "hawk" (more like, to paraphrase Johnny Cash, "a dove with claws"), and a "yes" answer without qualification would unreasonably cause certain individuals to characterize me as such.

"Yes" or "no" answers are fine, when making menu choices at your local restaurant. But when moral positions are involved, they're far too glib to suffice, in my own arrogant opinion.

on Aug 10, 2005

You blacklist the guy for having a civilized response to you?
Not like you to be Blacklist happy

Uh, no.  BRS is Dabe, and it was not a civilized response.  He is funny tho in his ignorance.  Can we call it a he since we know Dabe is a she?

on Aug 10, 2005
I don't see bricks response any more condescending than others that post here,
his just happened to disagree with you.

Everything can be boiled down to Black and White / Yes NO ultimately.
Name something that can not

Also I am not a power-blogger like you guys, I don't know Dabe nor do I care.
on Aug 10, 2005
NOT put into power by us!

So your trying to suggest that you didn;t overthrow Saddam Hussain, that Paul Bremmer wasn;t for a time the Governer of Iraq and that the US didn;t decide when the elections would be and who qualified as a political party. What exactly are you a Dr of?

Wrong answer! A poll is a "SMALL" segment of the population! A "vote" is done by an ENTIRE voting population! If your going to spout off at least get your facts straight!

It is you who needs to get his facts before spouting off. Go Google define:poll.
There is no size requirement that defines a poll. A polls size is usually small simple because of the economics of polling.
Why do you think they interchange the terms voting booths for polling booths? Because its a poll. If your going to attempt to correct someone, at least ensure you are correct.

the poll was not even REMOTELY scientific

What has this got to do with anything? It was asked on this forum, is that what you mean by unscientific? Its also highly hypocritical of you to blacklist someone for supposedly being

EXTREMELY condescending and self important

when you yourself carry on like this. Writing an entire article to just to point out how inferior the reasoning behind someelse article was and ending your own article with

You might want to consider that next time you make a poll question a blog subject.

As if to suggest that You, and only you are qualified to decide on what is or is not a poll question and what is a blog subject. It seems to me BRS had a very well thought out response that you couldn;t handle simply because it pointing out the awkwardness of your thinking. Blacklisting him/her makes you seem like a total wimp.

on Aug 11, 2005
NOT put into power by us!

So your trying to suggest that you didn;t overthrow Saddam Hussain, that Paul Bremmer wasn;t for a time the Governer of Iraq and that the US didn;t decide when the elections would be and who qualified as a political party. What exactly are you a Dr of?

Wrong answer! A poll is a "SMALL" segment of the population! A "vote" is done by an ENTIRE voting population! If your going to spout off at least get your facts straight!

It is you who needs to get his facts before spouting off. Go Google define:poll.
There is no size requirement that defines a poll. A polls size is usually small simple because of the economics of polling.
Why do you think they interchange the terms voting booths for polling booths? Because its a poll. If your going to attempt to correct someone, at least ensure you are correct.

What I'm a doctor of is NONE of your business! PERIOD! And YOU should get YOUR facts straight

Definition of the word "poll" as in the context used, by websters dictionary:

Main Entry: 1poll
Pronunciation: 'pOl
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English pol, polle, from Middle Low German
1 : HEAD
2 a : the top or back of the head b : NAPE
3 : the broad or flat end of a striking tool (as a hammer)
4 a (1) : the casting or recording of the votes of a body of persons (2) : a counting of votes cast b : the place where votes are cast or recorded -- usually used in plural c : the period of time during which votes may be cast at an election d : the total number of votes recorded
5 a : a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed b : a record of the information so obtained

Use the correct definition for the context the original word was used and my statement stands!!!!
And who are we today? dabe, reikihouse, bigrick or zinkadoodle?
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