Well, I am currently EXTREMELY sleep deprived from my work schedule, and seriously wanting to get home and get back to sleep. The site was down on every occasion last week that I had to access the internet, so you're all a bit out of touch with current events. So, if this article seems random, at times incoherent, or banal, please keep the above in mind while reading it.
Big week last week on the political front. I finalized everything to organize the LP county party in my county, and had a couple of good conversations with state party officials in the meantime. This site and my sister site will be receiving a MAJOR announcement in that regard sometime around the end of the year. Stay tuned...even though it's a bit off, it's news that you will probably want to hear.
There are many who have criticized the LP for not building enough support on the local and state level, and perhaps on some level their criticism is just. It is not my intent to be complacent in chairing the county party (until December, when I will need to resign the position in favor of my wife...that's all the hints you're getting for now), and I intend to build grassroots support for the party in the area over time.
I'm hoping to eventually have internet access out of the home again...but we're still a ways off from that financially at this point. We're gonna have to replace our "backup" car, as it is now our primary vehicle, our former primary vehicle having a transmission that doesn't want to operate properly. Having a dandy of a time maintaining the cooling system in the heat, which, although not excessively warm, does tend to take its toll after my average of 100-plus miles a day driving.
I may get an article in yet before I head home...crazy little thing called "research" I gotta do while I'm here, but if not, barring server errors on the site's part, you should hear from me again before the week's out. Anyone wanting to contact me directly may do so at: gideon.macleish@gmail.com.