The journey from there to here
Published on July 7, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

The word "liberal" used to, at least implicitly, refer to a person who believed in the protection of individual liberties.

Now it refers to those with a hard driving agenda to take it away.

The liberal camp is increasingly pushing for mandatory, universal oversight of parenting practices. In short, having a child and not allowing government inspectors into your home could be automatic grounds for removal of the child, and, quite possibly, criminal prosecution. The liberal camp further pushes regulations on businesses that could potentially drive mom and pop operations out of business, and, in the ultimate ironic twist, favors big businesses such as WalMart that it claims to loathe. Want to build a shed out behind your house? Not so fast. That "weed" that just grew in that spot is a federally protected species; you'll have to scrap those plans.

Now, the conservatives don't get off the hook for some of their intrusions on Constitutional rights. But this article isn't about them; and any response that attempts to steer criticism towards the conservative camp will meet with deletion as quickly as I see it (which may be a few days). Frankly, there are plenty of bloggers who are ready and willing to cover what they see as the Constitutional violations of the right. But as for the American left, which seems to be set about absolutely destroying the constitution in favor of a Stalinist America, not enough has been said. And this is despite the fact that MUCH has been said.

I want the word "liberal" returned to those who are inclined to PROTECT liberty, not destroy it. There are plenty of other, more appropriate terms for the American left.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 07, 2005
I want liberal to mean what is used to mean, progressive thinking, looking out for america, a kinder vision of a harsh world, I miss old liberals.
on Jul 07, 2005
I want liberal to mean what is used to mean, progressive thinking, looking out for america, a kinder vision of a harsh world, I miss old liberals.

I miss the "old line" democrats. Those that had a backbone and wanted what was good for America!
on Jul 07, 2005

I want the word "liberal" returned to those who are inclined to PROTECT liberty, not destroy it. There are plenty of other, more appropriate terms for the American left.

Sorry, the loony left has absconded with it.  You will have to chase them down the rabbit hole to get it back.

on Jul 07, 2005
Just to be clear, this is a reaction to a comment I made on Gideon's article about the idea of mandatory government supervision of new families.

While Gideon mounted a spirited and serious defense of his position, he did so with the understanding that I'm a "liberal". This is in fact not true. I'm a conservative. I had thought that, here on JU, I had been a blatant conservative, of the religious kind.

Like Gideon, I'd like to see the word "liberal" come back where it belongs. Unlike Gideon, I don't think the word "liberal"'s current problems are related to anything I've done or said lately.

Now, if Gideon wants to complain that I've corrupted the word "conservative", with my willingness to contemplate state intervention in familiy affairs, that's another story altogether...
on Jul 07, 2005


The article was precipitated by your comment, yes, but it's something I've wanted to post for a long time.

For the record, the reason I assumed you were liberal was the fact that you were endorsing one of Hillary Clinton's key policy proposals.

on Jul 07, 2005
on Jul 07, 2005
Ah. Well, that makes sense, I guess.

on Jul 07, 2005
"The word "liberal" used to, at least implicitly, refer to a person who believed in the protection of individual liberties."

If Liberal ever really meant that, it hasn't for a more than one century. If you go back and look at people who called themselves Liberal in the 1700's, you find much of the "anything goes, down with the establishment" ideals we endure to this day. The terminology is different, but they were still dealing with this insipid hippy crap 200+ years ago.

Look at the history of the Liberal party in England. For a century they had Liberal/Conservative system like we have, until Liberalism was twisted into "Labor". Look at the Romance era in literature, look at the cyclical junk we have to go through every few decades when a new generation rediscovers all these discarded fallicies.

I know you want Liberal to mean what you state it to mean, and maybe a lot of Liberals try to practice it that way. "Liberalism", though, is the same old beast from decade to decade, century to century. We just grow more complacent, more 'tolerant', and they feel freer to say more and more.
on Jul 08, 2005

For the record, the reason I assumed you were liberal was the fact that you were endorsing one of Hillary Clinton's key policy proposals.

Ewwww......Stute, you got dog germs!  Grab some mouth wash, a case of disinfectant, and call the doctor in the morning!

on Jul 09, 2005
i want it back too
on Jul 09, 2005
I know what you mean. Speaking of which last wedneday there was a show addressing just that. The change of liberty within the us Link. You'll need broadband but it is worth the time.

on Jul 10, 2005
So, I noticed that there was a North-American-looking guy (let's call him "Bill") in a suit with some of the followers on the other side of the street. When I approached him, he spoke to me in English and we had a short conversation about Scientology and he invited me up to the hall. I rejected his offer, and pointed out that they were trying to recruit people for the "Church of Scientology" in front of a Christian church, and that might not be very successful, as the Holy Spirit would protect people passing by the building against false prophets, and that they would be more likely to gain converts to Christianity by staying there.

He got rather hostile, and started to withdraw back up to the hall, and since I was going there anyways, I walked along with him. He gave me this weak excuse that they didn't realize it was a church, as there is a book store attached behind the building. So, I told him that the kanji on the wall said "nihon kurisuto kyoudan" and that meant it was a Church, and that as a member of the UCCJ, I wanted his group to stop recruiting in front of the church. After a little argument, he agreed, and I told him I would be back every day to check.

Obviously, Bill didn't think I'd come back. Well, I had to go to work...

To make a long story short, there were 2 other really funny incidents:

1. I checked out the scientologists on the net, and I would walk up to the Japanese and ask them "Are you clear?" Tell them "I'm a level 9 Thetan" and other stuff that only scientologists would know. And they were so mindwashedly gullible, that halfway through the conversation, they were stunned silent as I made the Sign of the Cross over their heart and recited the Lord's Prayer in Japanese, followed by a direct order for the forces of Satan to leave.

2. This led to the big boss, let's call him "Ted" to come out. He was an Aussie. And the final argument went like this:

"You fucking Christians don't know shit, I was a Christian, and now Muslims are taking over, you're history, and we are the fucking future, so you don't know shit. What do you think about that?"

I responded "At least I'm not standing in the middle of the street yelling obscenities to defend my religion."

He kind of shut up and limped away, and then they pulled their people off the sidewalks and onto the road.
on Jul 11, 2005
Was that just a blog in the middle of a series of responses to Gideon's blog? Oi vei iz meir!

I have to agree with BakerStreet here... our ancestors (historical if not blood) did dress like Natives and dump tea in the bay because the Brits were selling it for CHEAPER than they (smugglers) could. Reminicent of protests in the 60s and now, eh? They did a lot of really "liberal" things.

They knew even then that slavery was a problem -- but they just inherited it. And they passed it forward not wanting to touch that bugabear. Seems a lot like today's libs. A lot of talk about a lot of things but nothing really done about it. A lot of money thrown at Africa, and yet we still have a homeless problem here. We have a serious problem with the way we treat and even view homeless people. For the most part, we IGNORE them. Libs included. How's that for a double standard. Living in the south, perhaps that skews the percentages, but the soup kitchens are manned with the conservative Christians Libs love to hate.

Hippy crap is usually a lot of talk. That stuff doesn't get passed by law making assemblies. It gets ordered and pressed upon people through the judicial oligarchy and we're a litigious society. Liberal has always meant liberal. That doesn't mean everything the libs have accomplished is wrong or bad ... just often, it's the way they go about it that sets them apart.
on Jul 12, 2005
You have to have a license to own a dog, hunt a deer, catch a fish, and even to own a dog in some localities. But any dummy can have a kid. I'm all for breeding laws, and trust me, that's not a popular sentiment even among mainstream liberals.

on Jul 12, 2005
With regard to the original message, I'm a liberal and prowd of it. Though some people who call themselves liberals want to take away individual rights, I don't think that parents who do not allow their children to be inspected by Child Protection Services should be allowed to keep them, for the sake of the child. Parents can raise their children in any manner they see fit, on the stipulation that society can be assured that no abuse is taking place against the child.

It is really a shame that people don't recognize the open-mindedness of the liberal camp. There are many of us who disagree with homosexuality or abortion but believe that it is the choice of the individual, not society, which ought to determine the final course of action (another way to say that we believe in individual rights). A sermon I was listening to last week pointed out the interesting fact that historically, regardless of other circumstances, when liberal-thinking groups were in power, both sides of the issue could be heard; but when extremists were in control, only their opinions could be heard. This doesn't refer to the extreme ends of American politics, because I think that liberals are already moderate enough in the current political atmosphere, while the conservatives are much closer to the absolute right than liberals are to the absolute left.

The sermon I heard referred to Hillel and Shamai, but you can really see that the same idea applies here: When the liberals were in control under Clinton, people were allowed to have a good deal of input against what Clinton was doing. Bush made it illegal to bring coffins of American soldiers into the country except between 2 AM and 4 PM (so that the media would be discouraged from collecting footage of them), silenced us with his "USA PATRIOT Act," and called ones who disagreed with his policies unamerican (even if not in so many words). Real liberals respect human rights.
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