The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 111
December 13, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, I think I can officially embrace "pimp" status. A little background: about a month ago, I had my car overheat because I drove on some of the caliche roads delivering papers around here while they were still wet from the rains. Well, the resultant mud flipped up and coated the back of my radiator unbeknownst to me, and after a few days of this, it overheated and the antifreeze rushed out of the radiator as fast as it could come, cracking the radio. The real damage, I discovered last F...
December 10, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm seriously contemplating taking a JU break. Nothing towards anyone, or anything, but it just doesn't feel the same. I will try to keep blogs going just to inform anyone of any recent developments, etc, but I might be rather slow to respond. Don't be offended, do't worry about me, I'm as good as can be expected for this time of year, it's just that I have a lot on my mind and much of it is too personal to add to the blogs. I do hope each and every one of you has a truly happy holiday se...
December 10, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, being the shameless points whore that I am, I was well pleased to see that my blog has gone back to the number 21 spot. Mind you, this has been no easy task, with "part time" internet access, plus the fact that I seem to have hit a rather dry spell as far as my articles are concerned (I'm wondering if that isn't partly true of the rest of JU as well, though, what with the holidays and the recent wave of drama). I have missed the more regular banter with you guys as well as keeping up wi...
December 10, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm not quite 35 (until May), but it is stalking at my doorstep, and I was contemplating the advantages of 35, and thought I would post this before my feeble grey matter starts to deteriorate further. So, here's the list I came up with: --Outlived Jesus Christ, Alexander the Great, Chris Farley, John Belushi, Janis Joplib, Jimi Hendrix -- and accomplished much, much less. --365 days from being too old to enlist in the Army on a drunken bar bet --will officially be no more than 80 millio...
December 10, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm not quite 35 (until May), but it is stalking at my doorstep, and I was contemplating the advantages of 35, and thought I would post this before my feeble grey matter starts to deteriorate further. So, here's the list I came up with: --Outlived Jesus Christ, Alexander the Great, Chris Farley, John Belushi, Janis Joplib, Jimi Hendrix -- and accomplished much, much less. --365 days from being too old to enlist in the Army on a drunken bar bet --will officially be no more than 80 millio...
December 9, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Now THIS is the kinda Santa Claus I could handle. I wonder if he has any good "toys" for duping the DEA's radar (from Yahoo! Oddly Enough News)     RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) - Santa Claus brought an unusual gift for some Rio schoolchildren this holiday season -- a bag of marijuana.   Police in the Brazilian capital said two teenagers were spotted selling Santa dolls at the entrance of a municipal school next to a slum not far from the city center. The dolls...
December 9, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
All the rage nowadays centers around people wanting to have newer homes built for them, rather than buy an older home on the market. While there are many practical reasons for doing so, the fact that oftentimes older buildings are torn down in favor of their younger sisters concerns me greatly. There are many things about buying an older home that people should consider. I'm a nostalgic (translated: sappy, sentimental fool). While more elite collectors might eschew the folded, spindled and mu...
December 8, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
It's too bad the term "Lost Generation" was already coined. I see too many of my generation and beyond that qualify as such. The current age is marked with an unreserved pessimism, and it appears to only get worse. -Is it any coincidence that ours is also the first generation raised almost entirely in schools where the mere mention of "God" brings forth very real fears of a lawsuit? -Is it any coincidence that the span of the life of a 30 something, the generation beyond which such pessimi...
December 7, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
When I came to Joeuser, it was in the middle of a time of conflict. I didn't realize it, and stuck my foot in my mouth a time or two, causing me to get off on rather rought footing with a few fellow bloggers. But, I stuck it out, and, to me, I am forever grateful I did. Many people here on Joeuser came to help us out in no small way (some in ways I really can't say here, out of respect for their privacy), and I am truly indebted to ALL of you who have contributed in one way or another, through r...
December 6, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
The following is from Yahoo! I thought it might be fun to add our own favorite cheesy movie lines NEW YORK - Although "Titanic" soared at the box office in 1997, according to a recent United Kingdom survey, it's most memorable line — "I'm the king of the world!" — sunk.   Baker Warburtons posed the question "What are your top three cheesiest moments in film?" to 2,000 U.K. moviegoers in celebration of the launch of their new cheese flavored crumpets. The line uttered by Leo...
December 6, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I was speaking the other day with a rather intelligent friend on the issue of homeschooling. This friend is scientifically inclined (important in the context of this piece), and he commented that he had heard a piece on NPR about how homeschoolers are below their peers academically (he cited it as an "extensive study"). Now, his citing of NPR as a source immediately sent up red flags. NPR has a pretty consistently left lean, and the left has a recent history of virulently attacking homeschooling...
December 6, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
As a history buff, one of my all time favorite history stories was of the Christmas day truce in WWI. You can read about it here: Link For those who don't know the story, in 1914, well before the US entered World War I, the Allies were engaged against the Germans in warfare. Talk of a truce had been proposed, but it was just that, talk. On Christmas eve, the truce began, and it would be several days before fighting recommenced. Officers in some cases had to threaten their subordinates with...
December 6, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
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December 4, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm still shaking my head. One of the latest bits of news is that Tommy Thompson expressed concern over the vulnerability of the nation's food supply to terrorist threat. While it is a very real, very rational fear, the solution is not one that is practical within the US. To test all food imports would mean an increased cost to the consumer, via trickle down prices and/or increased taxes to cover the burdensome expense. A tax would be most likely, meaning either a greatly increased deficit, o...
December 4, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Now, I don't know exactly what's been going on in my part time absence, and, frankly, I don't want to know, though this article will likely draw it like flies to dung! I DO know, however, the wonderful nature of some of my fellow bloggers, as they have proven themselves to be true friends to myself and my family. And I can't help but notice that some of those bloggers are the target of the latest round of JU crap! And it ticks me off. We all have differences of opinion, mature adults learn...