The journey from there to here

The following is from Yahoo! I thought it might be fun to add our own favorite cheesy movie lines

NEW YORK - Although "Titanic" soared at the box office in 1997, according to a recent United Kingdom survey, it's most memorable line — "I'm the king of the world!" — sunk.


Baker Warburtons posed the question "What are your top three cheesiest moments in film?" to 2,000 U.K. moviegoers in celebration of the launch of their new cheese flavored crumpets.

The line uttered by Leonardo DiCaprio (news) was followed by Patrick Swayze's "Nobody puts Baby in the corner," from 1987's "Dirty Dancing" and Andie McDowell's "Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed," from the end of 1994's "Four Weddings and a Funeral."

Warburtons reports that surveyed women opted for romantic comedy moments from films such as "Notting Hill" and "Jerry Maguire" while men preferred silly scenes from action flicks like "Top Gun" and "Braveheart." Despite the gender divide, 33 percent of the overall vote unanimously agreed on the "Titanic" yell as the cheesiest moment.

Here's the list of big cheese moments:

1. "Titanic": Leonardo DiCaprio's "I'm the king of the world!"

2. "Dirty Dancing": Patrick Swayze's "Nobody puts Baby in the corner."

3. "Four Weddings And A Funeral": Andie McDowell's "Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed."

3. "Ghost": Demi Moore's "Ditto." to Patrick Swayze's "I love you."

5. "Top Gun": Val Kilmer to Tom Cruise (news): "You can be my wingman anytime"

6. "Notting Hill": Julia Roberts' "I'm just a girl... standing in front of a boy... asking him to love her."

7. "Independence Day": Bill Pullman's "Today we celebrate our Independence Day!"

8. "Braveheart": Mel Gibson (news)'s "They may take our lives, but they will not take our freedom!"

9. "Jerry Maguire": Renee Zellweger to Tom Cruise: "You had me at hello."

10. "The Postman": A blind woman says to Kevin Costner (news): "You're a godsend, a savior." He replies: "No, I'm a postman."

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 06, 2004
"My best friend's wedding" "I can be jello."
on Dec 06, 2004
Kevin Costner deserves a category just for himself. BTW, how did Gigli's "Gobble, Gobble" line fail to chart on this?
on Dec 06, 2004
The Day after Tomorrow: After monster storms destroy half the world, the Astronaut on the Space Station says: "The air is so clear."
on Dec 06, 2004
BTW, how did Gigli's "Gobble, Gobble" line fail to chart on this?

Maybe no one saw it?
on Dec 06, 2004
Legolas in "LOTR: The Return of the King":

"Ah, a diversion..."

Yes, thank you blondie. Heard it didn't get laughs everywhere, but our theatre erupted with laughter when he said that--as if it weren't obvious.

on Dec 06, 2004
Star Trek: Scotty to Kirk, "But Captian, if you push her any harder she'll blow"
on Dec 06, 2004
"Last Action Hero"- Arnold Schwarzenegger and Austin O' Brien.

O"Brien, " Where are you going?"

Arnold, "I'm going to catch the red eye."
on Dec 06, 2004
I think that one was SUPPOSED to be cheesy though da_face
on Dec 06, 2004
What???? No, "As you wish"??? That's my favorite cheesy line.

And by the way, Leo's line is almost directly stolen from White Heat with James Cagney, I mean, really, how could Cameron put him up high shouting that with his arms out, and not be thinking of Cagney, on a burning derrick, arms raised, shouting, "I'm on top of the world, ma!"?
on Dec 06, 2004
Hum cant think of any right now, i like the 'as you wish' too, the Princess Bride rocks (the princess bride, i'm not sure if that even is the title???)
on Dec 06, 2004
Anything in the movie Raising Arizona
on Dec 06, 2004

i like the 'as you wish' too, the Princess Bride rocks

What???? No, "As you wish"??? That's my favorite cheesy line.

How dare you ingrates???  who are you to blaspheme the greatest movie of all time?  that line is NOT cheesy.  Say it again and "I will be forced to thrash you."  (i'll give an insightful to anyone that can ID that movie)

That line is NOT cheesy, and neither is this one:

"But it's so simple... all that I have to do is divide from what I know of you, are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet, or his enemy's?  Now a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, knowing that only a great fool would reach for what he was given.  I am not a great fool, so I can clearly NOT choose the wine, in front of me..." 

on Dec 06, 2004
okay okay not cheesy. But is 'FASTER!' cheesy. (oops!)

Mmmh, i will be forced to trash you , hey? mmmh, it'll come back to me later
on Dec 06, 2004
One of my favorite cheesy lines is from Center Stage (a dance movie that flopped at the box office, but is one of my favorites of all time).

The anoxeric ballet dancer says to her boyfriend: "I'm the best damn dancer in the ABA. Who the hell are you? Nobody!" She clenches her teeth. The line (even without watching it) puts me in stitches for at least 10 minutes.

From New York Minute (yes, horrible movie. )

One of the Olsen sisters: "As the great Avril Lavigneingstein said, 'why do you have to make things so complicated..." and she continues with the rest of the chorus. She says in a completely serious voice which makes it so bad and so funny (because of the badness) at the same time.
on Dec 07, 2004
I forgot that any Schwarzenegger line is cheesy anyway.
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