The journey from there to here
Published on December 10, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Humor

I'm not quite 35 (until May), but it is stalking at my doorstep, and I was contemplating the advantages of 35, and thought I would post this before my feeble grey matter starts to deteriorate further. So, here's the list I came up with:

--Outlived Jesus Christ, Alexander the Great, Chris Farley, John Belushi, Janis Joplib, Jimi Hendrix -- and accomplished much, much less.

--365 days from being too old to enlist in the Army on a drunken bar bet

--will officially be no more than 80 million heartbeats away from the presidency.

--30 years from being able to retire and collect my BIG FAT GOVERNMENT CHECK, plus all those cool benefits Ed McMahon keeps talking about.

--MIGHT finally stop getting carded by idiots half my age

--old enough to be "retro-chic", young enough to enjoy it

--old enough to start planning mid-life crisis, including selection of cool cars and possible trophy wives.

Have a great day, folks!


on Dec 10, 2004
Sounds like your looking forward to your birthday
on Dec 10, 2004
I enjoyed this, Gideon.
on Dec 11, 2004
--365 days from being too old to enlist in the Army on a drunken bar bet

aha!!!! there's still time!!! you can still enter the wonderful world of the korean linguist!!!
on Dec 11, 2004
Your not middle aged yet!! If the average life expectancy is about 70, you won' t be middle aged for another... er.. um............... Nevermind

on Dec 12, 2004

Hey, 35 aint that bad. I'm kinda enjoying it.....

Ted, I made that point about being middle aged in my birthday blog last June.....three score years and ten and all that jazz.

I don't really care, I'm 35, and I'm bohemian-retro-renaissance cool.  Even my kids friends say so. (my kids think I'm embarrassinf, but what do they know, right?!)