The journey from there to here
Published on December 8, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

It's too bad the term "Lost Generation" was already coined. I see too many of my generation and beyond that qualify as such. The current age is marked with an unreserved pessimism, and it appears to only get worse.

-Is it any coincidence that ours is also the first generation raised almost entirely in schools where the mere mention of "God" brings forth very real fears of a lawsuit?

-Is it any coincidence that the span of the life of a 30 something, the generation beyond which such pessimism is so prevalent, is very close to the length of time that abortion has been promoted on demand and even federally funded?

-Is it any coincidence that our generation and younger were raised almost exclusively by third party caregivers while our parents went to work two or more jobs between them, often out of necessity?

-Is it any coincidence that ours is a generation raised under the concept that any criticism, no matter how constructive, is bad, and that morals are relative?

I'm not drawing any conclusions here, folks, just asking a couple of (I believe) relevant questions

on Dec 08, 2004
My wife and I have talked about this before -- especially when it was all "Gen X" this and "Gen X" that -- and we figured that "Generation Fuck You" was the best name we could come up with.

I don't know that I agree with your reasoning (well, some of it I do) -- but I do agree with the idea.
on Dec 09, 2004
There is no such thing as a coincidence. I already have conclusions, and convictions. And I hope and pray we still have time to fix at least some of the problems.