The journey from there to here
Published on December 10, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

Well, being the shameless points whore that I am, I was well pleased to see that my blog has gone back to the number 21 spot. Mind you, this has been no easy task, with "part time" internet access, plus the fact that I seem to have hit a rather dry spell as far as my articles are concerned (I'm wondering if that isn't partly true of the rest of JU as well, though, what with the holidays and the recent wave of drama).

I have missed the more regular banter with you guys as well as keeping up with the goings on (I can't help but feel in some ways that I let a friend down by not being online for some of the latest stuff -- and I do hope I'm VERY wrong on that), but I've been encouraged with the direction life is taking me. Right now I can't exactly say we're doing the greatest, but this move has definitely been a positive one for the family -- and this is the first Christmas in the past 20 that I haven't been overwhelmed with depression myself for the holidays (much to be said for THAT!)...although I have been a bit reclusive as of late (I'm trying to get on the volunteer FD, and had to drag myself out of the house Tuesday night for a meeting, but the fact that I COULD drag myself out on a day when I realy didn't want to go is considerable progress), but reclusive is a far more positive state than that in which I've spent previous Christmases.

I'm hoping to do a "year end" article, and I want EVERY one of you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you this Holiday season (even t those who don't celebrate--I care for you every bit as much).

Well, I didn't intend this to turn into  ramble, but wanted to drop a few personal notes in.


Gideon MacLeish

on Dec 10, 2004
Yay for you, Gideon. I have missed you a lot. I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you, and I am looking forward to meeting you and your family in the next week or so.
on Dec 10, 2004
looking forward to meeting you and your family

Really? Wow, that's cool! I expect to see some photos!