The journey from there to here
Published on December 13, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Well, I think I can officially embrace "pimp" status.

A little background: about a month ago, I had my car overheat because I drove on some of the caliche roads delivering papers around here while they were still wet from the rains. Well, the resultant mud flipped up and coated the back of my radiator unbeknownst to me, and after a few days of this, it overheated and the antifreeze rushed out of the radiator as fast as it could come, cracking the radio.

The real damage, I discovered last Friday, was to the transmission, which burned out completely. I had been pricing cars for a backup car, having noticed that something was definitely wrong with the transmission, but it just so happens, there's a HUGE markup on cars sold here versus their cost in Amarillo (a markup I intend to exploit to its fullest in the future), and NOTHING could be had for under $1500, which is more than what I had at my disposal.

Well, one of my friends around town called his brother in law in Amarillo, and he had an '86 Chrysler New Yorker for $750. Granted, these cars are boats, but they're usually pretty reliable cars, and besides, we NEED a boat (which is why I'm hell bent on fixing up the old Dodge in the backyard, which is yet another blog entirely).

Well, he got it there, and it is a pretty sharp little car. But I had to chuckle pretty hard when I saw it.

It is midnight blue, with leather seats, and chrome hubcaps. The first thing that came to my head was "pimp-mobile". But the price was right, and I needed the car, so I bought it.

Now I just have to get rid of the chrome hubcaps. That or get some dingleballs to complete the look. Or, option number three move back to Nevada and become Vegas' newest hella pimp.


on Dec 13, 2004
Pictures man, we need pictures of this pimp-mobile. Sounds pretty sweet.

Glad you were able to get a car for a decent price as well.
on Dec 13, 2004
Awwwwwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhhhhh! Pimp-o-riffic!

Dont forget the tru spoke rims and curb feelers...Cuz pimpin ain't easy...but it pays well!