Ok, Ok, I give in....Spongebob may be gay. After reading the 5,943,625th article about Spongebob's queeritude, the Marvin Cooleys of the world have won me over. I am campaigning against cartoons in general. Many of the points I will be addressing in my symposium will be: Bugs Bunny's promotion of transvestitism. Anthropomorphic undertones in many cartoons that may promote evolution. Shaggy's "extremely close" relationship with Scooby, suggesting bestiality. Discrimination against fat,...
A new Arizona law requires proof of citizenship to vote. Arizona is the first state to have such a requirement. While I am generally VERY supportive of the idea, I think some of our current problems need to be remedied before such a plan doesn't limit the rights of some of its citizens. I have been without the documents needed by AZ to establish identity at points in my life. Because obtaining a birth certificate ALWAYS has cost attached, and, according to the article in question, a social...
This sentence, at the beginning of an article is essentially part of the thesis. If I am advancing an argument, I will begin here by stating my thesis and setting the tone for what is to follow. Throughout the remainder of the article, I will introduce you to the basic structure of an article that is meant to persuade or inform, and hope it will make your articles a little more coherent. Following the thesis is the body of the article. Pretty much anything goes within the body, but the b...
I have been developing my ideas of how socialism and free enterprise need not be incompatible (socialist endeavours working in a free enterprise economy), and am refining my phrases to better explain the concepts. The best way I can explain it is, I believe in microsocialism, but not in macrosocialism (yes, I stole the phrase from the creationist "micro" vs. "macro" evolution). Microsocialism is a community with socialist ideals that can work within a larger infrastructure. Its principles are...
I almost wrecked into am SUV the other day. I was driving along, and it pulled out of the driveway, less than 100 feet in front of me. I was alert and stopped (I was travelling slowly), but incensed because, had I gotten into the wreck, the other driver would have surely been killed or seriously injured, and I would have been 100% at fault, regardless. You see, the "driver" was about 4 years old, and the "SUV" was a plastic battery operated vehicle that travels at 5-10 miles an hour. There...
At one time in American history, there was a class of people that were promised protection from the elements and domestic threats, housing, medical care, and all of their physical needs to be met in return for their labor. That class of people was called "slaves", and it took the better part of 100 years following our country's independence to gain their freedom. Now, the left presses for a continually socialist agenda, promising all of the above...and there are a great number of people wh...
I meandered through the featured articles today to find that one author had disabled comments (fair enough), but had picked chosen responses (out of context, no less) to post to the article. His comment after my entry (in which he left my username intact) was, "I'll deal with you later, peewee". I'm inclined to ask (as I couldn't on his article) what this means. Is it a threat? In which case, it should be removed from the featured articles as it is a violation of TOS. At any rate, this megalo...
I logged off the computer yesterday in utter outrage. I had considered adding a JoeUser to my permanent blacklist for what was said. After some "cool down" time, I have decided against tht option, but remain no less peeved. The person in question, was, at least honest. Many of the left don't even meet THAT standard. The offense was by a person who labelled a baby a "parasite". That this person woul have such utter disdain or contempt for human life puts the person, in my opinion, on a phil...
I think our aid to the countries hit by the tsunami should have some strings attached. I have said from the get go that I think it should be raised through voluntary sources, and I still do. But One of my pet peeves with foreign aid is the irresponsibility of the recipient. In disasters such as this, those of higher income are less likely to be devastated, if for no other reason than that they are MORE likely to be ensured. And thus, aid should begin with ensuring that those who have the m...
I've noticed a common denominator among those who are most highly critical of the American way of life, political system, etc: Many of them don't live here. Some of them do, sure enough, but those that do aren't as quick to criticize EVERYTHING we believe and do, and deride all of our values. What gets me is that otherwise intelligent people can be such sheep for the propaganda machines in their own countries (we do it too -- the fact that it doesn't occur to us that the majority of Iraqi ...
One head is off! Ten more bolts, and both head gaskets will be free of the engine! This has been a hard fought battle but I am beginning to believe I may have a running car again in my lifetime. I am a little anxious about reassembling the engine, but my confidence has grown the further down in the engine I have gotten. I had to borrow a bigger breaker bar to break the head bolts, but I did it! And in my mind, I am counting up the hundreds of dollars I am saving.
This from the "Get a Life!" Department. The latest group of outraged conservative Christians is claiming that Spongebob Squarepants is promoting homosexuality! Have any of these idiots SEEN this show? It is a silly kids' show, sometimes with ridiculous, inane humor, but a kids' show nonetheless. The only person spongebob seems "hot for" is Sanday the Squirrel who is *ahem!* of the FEMALE persuasion. Perhaps these Christian groups could better organize their arguments around it promoting ...
Two and a half months after the left snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, they still don't get it. While I have strongly held opinions, I try to reserve those opinions for my personal journals and discussions among friends and moderate myself to a degree that is diplomatically prudent. I believe that "a faith worth having is a faith worth defending", and I hold my beliefs dear to me. Diplomacy, however,is not acceptable to much of the American left. They attack at every chance, and pu...
OK, now I'm pissed.Gideon the blunt's coming out in force. I am sick and tired of abortion on demand liberals referring to a fetus as a mass of tissues inside of a woman. There is a word for an unwanted growth of tissue, and that is CANCER. Why don't you go up to the next pregnant woman you see and ask if she'd like that cancer removed? I bet you'd probably be lucky to get off with a dirty look. A fetus is biologically substantially different than a growth of tissue. DNA can be extracte...
For those of you who have been following this story, I have been working to repair my "pimped out ride"; that is, my 86 Chrysler Fifth Avenue with the cool shiny hubcaps (yes,hubcap number 4 DID get restored to me, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers). The problem is a blown head gasket, and two days of work prior had resulted in little more than the removal of peripheral components (alternator,smog pump, air conditioner, etc...the air conditioner is NOT going back on the car...). Today,...