Yet another installment of the spongebob's sexuality question arises, and I kinda had to mention a few amusing thoughts I have had on the topic, so if you will indulge me: Sponges do not have genitalia in the same sense that we do. I can't say I'm entirely sure how they procreate, but, truth be told, until now, nobody has ever been inclined to ask me about the reproductive patterns of a sponge Spongebob is a sponge (with rectangular pants rather than square, but, hey, we can't all be perfe...
Yet another installment of the spongebob's sexuality question arises, and I kinda had to mention a few amusing thoughts I have had on the topic, so if you will indulge me: Sponges do not have genitalia in the same sense that we do. I can't say I'm entirely sure how they procreate, but, truth be told, until now, nobody has ever been inclined to ask me about the reproductive patterns of a sponge Spongebob is a sponge (with rectangular pants rather than square, but, hey, we can't all be perfe...
When I was younger, probably the early 1980's, Greyhound's ads revolved around a friendly driver carting grandma home to her rural farmhouse, where her family and friends were waiting and waving with smiles as "nana" came home. While Greyhound was never, to my knowledge, even CLOSE to that ideal, the picture that would be more appropriate for 2005 would be grandma being dropped in an urban bus station with no family and friends, 75 miles from home while a purse snatcher grabs her purse and a pim...
That's right...$56k. I used a retirement calculator, and figured out how much I would currently have set back towards my retirement if my social security contributions had been invested (figuring my annual earnings rather conservatively) in a private retirement account with a modest 5% annual return. The result was just over $56,000, which would result in retirement savings of over $410,000 when I retire (assuming I maintain my current income average until retirement). I realize that 350,000 ...
By now, everyone's heard the story: Richard Hatch has been charged with tax evasion for failing to report his $1.01 million earnings from the first "Survivor" season, as well as a series of radio shows. Well, there's a word for Mr. Hatch's actions, and that is STUPID. While the average joe naturally omits the $500 or so they made over the year mowing lawns and the $1500 they made having garage sales (bolstered by the accidental sale of junior's '53 Mantle for $200, for which junior is curr...
From the smoking gun ( ), I got a piece about a game maker whose board game, "Ghettopoly", which was seized by federal agents for trademark infringements on Hasbro's board game (no names needed; the ripoff should be obvious), was decried by (generic) "black leaders" for perpetuating racist stereotypes through activities such as pimpin' hoes, building projects, and selling protection. Aside from the obvious generic reference to "black leaders" (who ARE these anonymou...
In another blog, one of our more liberal bloggers sources al jazeera, claiming them to be "more objective" of a source than Fox News. EXCUSE ME? Al Jazeera, while a legitimate news organization in its region, has a long standing history of sympathy to terrorist organizations and their objectives (of course, the liberals deem these terrorists "Freedom Fighters", but I digress). While its research should not be utterly dismissed, it should definitely be taken with a huge measure of salt. ...
Now, I'm not one to disagree with my boss, BUT... On the rural part of my paper route, I have three houses which range from a half a mile to two miles out on the caliche roads here. Now, in fair weather, that's not a problem, and when I began my paper route, I even undertook the "mudding" through the caliche with some gusto. Until that fateful day when the caliche had, unbeknownst to me, caked up on the back of my radiator, blocked the airflow and caused a 5 inch slit in the tank. I had to...
The judge in the Michael Jackson molestation case has deemed the jury pool sufficient, and has ruled that there is no need to call any more of the roughly 300 jurors scheduled to appear. Is this any surprise to anyone? The Michael Jackson case bears, without any risk of bodily harm, what amounts to a low paying job for the next 6 months, with the requisite 15 minutes of fame for all who will take the numerous lucrative offers that will come from morning shows, evening shows, talk shows a...
Before I begin this blog, let me say this is a statement of my personal ideology and is in no way meant to diminish the hard work American soldiers are doing in a war zone to defend this country. That being said, allow me to continue. When the concept of war was first introduced to me, it didn't make sense. It didn't make sense that the Russians could be the faceless evil we were led to believe they were (I was raised during the climax of the Cold War, remember), and it didn't make sense t...
Add this to the tactics of the left,listed by moderateman: copy/pasting someone's response out of context to paint them as a radical. What chaps me is it was done by a member of the JU community that once had my respect. No more, the person entered the blacklist jungle. I am,without apology, an abnormal person in our modern American society. And, in many ways,a misfit, and proudly so. But I have, for years, endured ridicule and criticism from those who cannot accept someone with a difficul...
Jeff Nelson, the Seattle Mariners' most prolific pitcher, and one who seems to have spent most of his offseasons taking a cross country flight between The M's and the hated Yankee's, the two teams he has played for most of his career, is back with the M's for a third time, this time in a minor league assignment with hopes of making the parent team's roster (My money's on him joining the team by mid-May). This has potential of giving the M's a needed bullpen leader, plus Nelson's valuable arm, an...
Ok, so that you have some idea of the train of thought (sometimes train WRECK of thought) that is Gid's mind, here's what got me to ruminating this: Another blogger wrote about the attempts by Mexico to subvert Arizona's new law proving citizenship before voting, and my thoughts turned (as they did on my related blog discussing the law) to the difficulty some folks have of obtaining their birth certificates. Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks: I well remember when the Cabbage Patch Kid c...
I am a white male, conservative Christian prochoice anti-death penalty environmentalist anti-gun control pro drug legalization libertarian. I think the combination of the above makes me quite definitely a minority. And I intend to press my rights to that end. The next time I get pulled over by a police officer on the paper route, I'm gonna holler about being oppressed by "the MAN!" The next time someone opposes me in an argument, I'm going to complain about their bigotry and intolerance...
I am a white male, conservative Christian prochoice anti-death penalty environmentalist anti-gun control pro drug legalization libertarian. I think the combination of the above makes me quite definitely a minority. And I intend to press my rights to that end. The next time I get pulled over by a police officer on the paper route, I'm gonna holler about being oppressed by "the MAN!" The next time someone opposes me in an argument, I'm going to complain about their bigotry and intolerance...