The journey from there to here
Published on February 3, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Humor

Yet another installment of the spongebob's sexuality question arises, and I kinda had to mention a few amusing thoughts I have had on the topic, so if you will indulge me:

  • Sponges do not have genitalia in the same sense that we do. I can't say I'm entirely sure how they procreate, but, truth be told, until now, nobody has ever been inclined to ask me about the reproductive patterns of a sponge
  • Spongebob is a sponge (with rectangular pants rather than square, but, hey, we can't all be perfect, can we?)
  • Patrick is a starfish. Again note the lack of genitalia (I think it has something to do with their arms, but I don't profess to be the Doctor Ruth of sea sexuality anyway; but all they have is arms and stomach....memories of high school dissections tend to go back to the idea that they don't really have a brain either).
  • Because Spongebob and Patrick are both of completely different classes of animals, their relationship, if less than platonic, would best be described as "bestiality" (although, neither one of them being human, I wonder if that term could even apply...perhaps some new terminology is in order).
  • Sandy the Squirrel brings a whole new dynamic to the picture. Being a mammal, she reproduces differently than do either SBSP or his appendage dominant buddy.

So...all in all, I hope these thoughts make your cartoon watching a little more fun and confusing.

on Feb 03, 2005
That was really, really funny Gideon. Thanks.
on Feb 03, 2005
And if, somehow, they were to procreate, just imagine what their children would look like I've never seen the show, but there is a squirrel in it? Arn't they underwater? So how is sandy breathing?
on Feb 03, 2005
A space suit Danny. At least that is what it looks like. Oh, and she lives in the "Treedome", and underwater dome that has "dry" land inside. Yes, it is odd. Yes, it is hilarious.
on Feb 03, 2005
I'm holding off forming an opinion until I get to see the shocking animated documentary "Drawn Together" about the sex lives of cartoon characters.... at least I think that's what its about.

Wait... its a reality show, so that explains the sex I guess.
on Feb 03, 2005
What gets me is the only people who talk about Spongebob being gay are the ones who think he isn't...

I don't find this one funny either. Sorry.

on Feb 04, 2005
Sorry, was written primarily in response to another blog, and I DID clearly list it under "humor". While you may not find the whole brouhaha amusing, I find it downright HYSTERICAL.
on Feb 04, 2005
I just find it funny that of all the things that people could be thinking/worrying about... well, this seems almost like a non-issue...
on Feb 04, 2005


It is beyond nonissue to the point of being utterly ridiculous!

on Feb 04, 2005
I just find it funny that of all the things that people could be thinking/worrying about... well, this seems almost like a non-issue...


Lol, I'm sorry, really. I just think that this whole thing has been used by Liberals as smear, and for once it is completely unfounded. When I see stuff like this, I don't find it funny, because it perpetuates the falsehood in a way, reiterating the idea that religious groups took offense with the Spongebob show or wondered if he is gay.

No offense to you, G.M. I'm testy about it because people just accept as fact that there are a bunch of Christians outraged over Spongebob's sexuality. That just isn't true. When I see something that utilizes the idea or validates it, I don't find it funny.

Apologies, again. I'll take humor as humor and leave it at that.

on Feb 04, 2005


I understand and agree to that point. That's actually why THIS blog left out any references to "left" or "right" was just intended to satirize the whole thing further.

on Feb 04, 2005
I never said he wasn't gay... I just don't care...

It was the leader of ONE group who was commenting about this whole thing, so it only reflects badly on him/them... just as it would reflect badly on me if I said something like:(and I don't mean or believe this): "G.I. Joe" is simply a tool subsidized by the government to encourage Americans to be more willing to fight in a war.

Just because someone says something doesn't mean everyone who could be remotely linked to them believes it too.
on Feb 04, 2005
"Just because someone says something doesn't mean everyone who could be remotely linked to them believes it too."

Agreed, as long as someone actually said it. In this case Focus on the Family never said anything about Spongebob's sexuality or the show. If the gay community did, people should refer to them, not Falwell and tinky winky.