The journey from there to here
Published on February 1, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Add this to the tactics of the left,listed by moderateman: copy/pasting someone's response out of context to paint them as a radical.

What chaps me is it was done by a member of the JU community that once had my respect. No more, the person entered the blacklist jungle.

I am,without apology, an abnormal person in our modern American society. And, in many ways,a misfit, and proudly so. But I have, for years, endured ridicule and criticism from those who cannot accept someone with a difficult outlook than their own. And I'm tired of it.

What many DON'T know is, I tried harder than anyone alive to be a conformist. My high school years included my involvement with speech and debate tournaments, community theater, and representation of my community at Oklahoma Boy's State. I probably have more campaign experience than 90% of the people my age, and most of those candidates have been "mainstream".

But, I never felt comfortable with who I was or where I was going.

It is only within the last couple of years that I have begun to settle into a comfortable niche where I belong. And at that same time, criticism of my choices by ignorant individuals, has greatly escalated. MOST of the time, as with the incident that set me off, the criticism has come because the person chose to extrapolate a PORTION of what I said or wrote rather than take what I said in context.

This is,I admit, a rant.And it's larger than the incident that set it off. But I find incredible irony in the fact that the "tolerant" left has often been so virulently INTOLERANT of who I am.

on Feb 01, 2005
come over here, lets drink some coffee and throw darts at kerry pictures..... as for the mean ones here in ju, try to think how much pain they are having just living in there own skin. the only way they can feel "whole" is to demean,trash or slander someone else... poor sad pathetic creatures.
on Feb 01, 2005
Guess I amlucky that they are only trying to put words into my mouth, not take statements out of context.  Guess that is next.
on Feb 01, 2005
Guess I missed out on it, but I don't have the opportunity to browse JU very mch any more. Hell takes me like 3 days to get through my blogroll from here.
on Feb 01, 2005
Is this a problem with the "left" or with one person, Gideon?

I'm as left as it comes, man, try to keep your tar and feathers off me.

But everyone needs a rant once in awhile, so it's all good.

on Feb 01, 2005
Actually, it's more than one person, but I have found culprits with euqal culpability on both left and right (or like me,neither).
on Feb 01, 2005
yeah, I feel you

on Feb 01, 2005
Dang, I hate missing the good stuff.