The journey from there to here
Published on January 31, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Humor

I am a white male, conservative Christian prochoice anti-death penalty environmentalist anti-gun control pro drug legalization libertarian. I think the combination of the above makes me quite definitely a minority.

And I intend to press my rights to that end.

The next time I get pulled over by a police officer on the paper route, I'm gonna holler about being oppressed by "the MAN!"

The next time someone opposes me in an argument, I'm going to complain about their bigotry and intolerance against my minority.

I think my next step,though, is going to be sending away for admissions packets from "black" colleges.

This oughtta be fun

on Jan 31, 2005
I know what you mean!!

I'm a Red-headed, freckle faced, left handed, colorblind, Mormon, Disabled Vet. and I vote!!! ;~D

There are zero like me in Congress, so I am not represented.

People make fun of people like me (imagine a childhood where your nickname mirrors the acting career of Ron Howard!!!), so I am oppressed.

Everything is designed to be used by right handed people, and those designed for "lefty's" are either novelty items or cost 5 times as much as the right handed equivolent. Furthermore, there are no government programs meant to even the playing field.
Everyone seems to like to use colors to code things, without regard to those of us who can't see what they mean. There are no accomidations for my disability at all. So I am discriminated against!!

Do you realize that I have been discriminated against by the government itself!! When I was in the Army, I wanted so much to wear the badge of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tech (they have one of the most awesome looking qual badges around). I mean, I know that I'm colorblind and all, but c'mon, wears the love? They could adapt the training to accomidate me... if they really cared!!! (sniff sniff).

on Jan 31, 2005
Everything is designed to be used by right handed people, and those designed for "lefty's" are either novelty items or cost 5 times as much as the right handed equivolent. Furthermore, there are no government programs meant to even the playing field.

Preach on, left-handed brother! We lefties have been oppressed long enough! It is time to throw off the oppresive chains of right-handed people and proclaim freedom!