The journey from there to here
Published on January 21, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

For those of you who have been following this story, I have been working to repair my "pimped out ride"; that is, my 86 Chrysler Fifth Avenue with the cool shiny hubcaps (yes,hubcap number 4 DID get restored to me, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers). The problem is a blown head gasket, and two days of work prior had resulted in little more than the removal of peripheral components (alternator,smog pump, air conditioner, etc...the air conditioner is NOT going back on the car...).

Today,however,the end is in sight.

The end of the beginning, that is...still have to put the dang thing back together. I have 40 bolts to remove (5 each on each rocker assembly, 10 on the intake manifold,10 on each head) and we will be able to see the state of this engine and hopefully get the thing back together reasonably soon. I need a car desperately (especially since it's part of my job).

The pimped out ride...will rise again!

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