The journey from there to here
Published on January 21, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

OK, now I'm pissed.Gideon the blunt's coming out in force.

I am sick and tired of abortion on demand liberals referring to a fetus as a mass of tissues inside of a woman. There is a word for an unwanted growth of tissue, and that is CANCER.

Why don't you go up to the next pregnant woman you see and ask if she'd like that cancer removed? I bet you'd probably be lucky to get off with a dirty look.

A fetus is biologically substantially different than a growth of tissue. DNA can be extracted from the fetus' body at an early stage of devlopment to show that it has DNA contributed from BOTH the father AND the mother (only one recorded case of virgin birth, and, ironically,most abortion on demand advocates won't acknowledge THAT one). It is NOT a cancerous growth, and should not be treated as such.

Push for abortion rights all you want. Hell,make them mandatory if you so choose (although, be warned that in doing so, you will incite certain individuals, myself included among them,to a level of activism we choose to avoid. But do not-- EVER deny that that "tissue" growing inside of a woman is anything less than the genesis of a sentient being,with distinctly DIFFERENT characteristics than the mother in whose womb it resides.

PS. A quick look at your verbiage might make it abundantly clear why even MODERATES are fleeing the left in increasing numbers.

on Jan 21, 2005
Changing the name don't change anything but the name.

I'm still pro-choice, however.
on Jan 21, 2005

xx, and technically, am I.

I am against federal funding for abortion.

I believe abortion is morally wrong.

BUT, I support the right of a woman to choose (although, I would prefer it be an informed choice,with ALL of the facts available to her,but see no way to mandate this), and will stand behind that belief.

on Jan 21, 2005
Excellent post Gideon.
on Jan 21, 2005
Great Post Gideon!!!

The buzzword "pro choice" can't even stand up to its own rhetoric, unless the "pro choicer" also stands up for a mother's right to kill her children. Zygote, Fetus, Neonate, Child, Adolescent, Adult or Geriatric are all stages of human life. Considering any of them unworthy of being "human" is nothing but bigotry and elitist crap.