This is a direct quote in a response on an article I wrote recently. I did not edit it or take it out of context: IF SATAN-THE-DEVIL runs this November in CT ... against the incumbent I WILL VOTE FOR HIM. This kind of thinking greatly frightens me. While I certainly appreciate anti-incumbent sentiment, and am, in fact, banking on it in my own campaign, I do not believe in anti-incumbency at all costs. I will give this respondent credit for the rare honest response. At least he is wil...
As Connecticut's Senatorial race begins to heat up, the possibility of a Joe Leiberman victory is looming large. A Leiberman victory would be the ultimate slap in the face to Soros and the radical left "shadow party" that are trying to hijack the Democratic Party and chase the moderates (such as Leiberman) away. A Leiberman victory would mean a Senatorial seat that will go to an Independent, and not to a Democrat. To a party trying to regain seats in November's election, this would be a loss,...
In his summer movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", former Vice President Al Gore demands that we are on the brink of catastrophe, and that only through drastic actions can we avoid suffering the consequences of global warming. He insists that we need to live "carbon neutral lifestyles". This despite the fact that in 8 years as Vice President, he did not do anything meaningful to advance the United States in this pressing issue. This despite the fact that he has never encouraged developing countrie...
As I'm working on analyzing the American left du jour, I'm starting to believe I have the answer for why they are being destroyed. And maybe I'll have to make it all into a sinister plot and write a book about it! I believe that it all started with Ronald Reagan. When people were released from mental hospitals onto the streets in his administration, they went out and began collecting government checks. Anyone collecting a government check is going to naturally vote for those who propose bigge...
We've seen them for forty years, in communities such as Miami's "Little Havana". They have always placed their loyalty to Cuba foremost over their loyalty to the United States, and demanded they be called "exiles". They will not assimilate, as they do not consider this their home. I have my own feelings on this matter. I believe a patriot works to improve things in their country rather than fleeing their country. This, for the record, is why I didn't emigrate to another country long ago. But ...
There's no end to the number of articles written demanding that Israel's response to Hezbollah is improper. Yet in all of those blogs, only one offers a solution, and, ironically that solution is one that opponents of Israel's foreign policy would even find appalling. That solution is, of course, Emp's solution of the complete extermination of all Israelis. Not surprisingly, Emp's solution is also Hezbollah's solution. The lack of real, viable solutions for Israel is part of what is making th...
I deliver newspapers to the low income housing projects in the community near us. These are not the slums of the larger cities, but are, in fact, fairly nicely kept, and the people in these projects are usually polite and well mannered. These housing projects sit about 300 feet from the local community college. Those who are wheelchair bound would find it about twice as long, but still far less than the trips they routinely take to the store, to McDonald's, Long John Silver's, Taco Bell and ...
There's been a lot of discussion centering on whether or not Israel's response to Palestine has been disproportionate. I think it's really silly, because anyone who would even ASK the question misunderstands the very nature of war. My response: Hell, yeah, it's disproportionate! And it better be, if Israel intends to survive. You see, Israel is quickly proving what has been said by "extremists" of Islamic fundamentalists all along: they don't want their own nation, they want the exterminat...
In my younger years, when I was new to Christianity, I was often startled by inconsistencies in my newly embraced faith. Conservative ministers would decry the sin of abortion, yet point a crooked finger at the pregnant "pouches" of young, unmarried women in their congregation. Many of these women would then compound the mistakes that led to their current condition with the greater mistake of abortion, feeling that if they hid their actions, they could escape judgment. I resolved early on that I...
OK, it's been quite awhile since the whole flap about the New York Time's "outing" of the NSA's oversight of banking transactions in America. While I don't think the Times acted responsibly, I am still puzzled as to why there's a story there. See, I know (as does every red blooded American who uses banks) that banking oversight has increased greatly since 9/11. In fact, there's a sign on the wall of our credit union stating the government's need to have information such as our social security...
As November nears, and I familiarize myself with the five candidates for governor in the state of Texas, I can't say that I'm overly pleased with the choices. It appears that "more of the same" will win the day, and it is increasingly possible that the incredibly incompetent Rick Perry may win the day, something that means only that Texans will lose. I haven't spoken with Democratic candidate Chris Bell, but I'm hoping to catch his ear when he makes a campaign stop in Amarillo this weekend (h...
Link Looks like the fears of a Supreme Court composed of Bush cheerleaders are greatly exaggerated. In a 5-3 decision (With Chief Justice John Roberts sidelined over a conflict of interest), the court ruled that the detention of combatants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the proposed military tribunals are unConstitutional. This means the "have it both ways" policy of an administration that wants to treat these detainees as neither citizens of Iraq deserving of a fair trial nor prisoners of w...
This is an interesting link. Might want to follow it if you have the time: Link According to, John Kerry raised over $326 million for his 2004 Presidential campaign, of which $310 million was spent. $74,620,000 of that came from federal funds. California was the top state contributor, contributing over $31 million, and lawyers/law firms were the top industry contributing, contributing over $22 million. The top contributors were the University of California at $627,000,...
Picture this scenario: Little Katie comes home with a piece of paper from school. According to the note, on last month's mandatory mental health evaluations, Katie was found to be bipolar, and she is to see a psychiatrist immediately. The note contains the name and numbers of several school appointed psychiatrists. You snicker. Katie's been moping around the house, sure, but there's nothing about her that's atypical for that age. You ignore the letter and put it in the round file, thinking no...
When Ann Coulter mentioned the fact that the liberal organizations have paraded victims about to advance their agenda, insisting those victims are above criticism, she only scratched the surface. In my writings about my Libertarian philosophies, I have found that liberals are just as hostile towards attacks on any of their pet programs. They will attack with venom and force anytime these pet programs are even QUESTIONED, and the character of the individual will be called into question. They will...