This is a direct quote in a response on an article I wrote recently. I did not edit it or take it out of context:
IF SATAN-THE-DEVIL runs this November in CT ... against the incumbent I WILL VOTE FOR HIM.
This kind of thinking greatly frightens me. While I certainly appreciate anti-incumbent sentiment, and am, in fact, banking on it in my own campaign, I do not believe in anti-incumbency at all costs.
I will give this respondent credit for the rare honest response. At least he is willing to admit that his hatred for someone by virtue of their incumbency is so strong that he would push for a pure, physical manifestation of evil and potentially endanger the Constitution rather than vote for someone because they've held office before.
This is the kind of thinking, though, that puts Stalins and Hitlers in power. The thinking that the establishment is necessarily bad and that therefore anything outside the establishment is necessarily good. While I hate voting for the lesser of two evils, when one side is clearly and distinctly bad for America, while another is merely distasteful, I'll vote for distasteful every time.
To those who adopt this thinking: would you vote for David Duke in your district? What about Fred Phelps? These men certainly would be anti-establishment, but would also be horrible choices for which their districts would pay long term consequences.
So, be anti incumbent. We need the system to be shaken up; that much is certain. But don't be so blinded by your hatred that you put someone on the throne who will actually do damage!