As Connecticut's Senatorial race begins to heat up, the possibility of a Joe Leiberman victory is looming large. A Leiberman victory would be the ultimate slap in the face to Soros and the radical left "shadow party" that are trying to hijack the Democratic Party and chase the moderates (such as Leiberman) away.
A Leiberman victory would mean a Senatorial seat that will go to an Independent, and not to a Democrat. To a party trying to regain seats in November's election, this would be a loss, because it would be a seat given up to the party's extreme arrogance and exclusive mentality. Ironically, as they accuse the GOP and Bush of a "you're either with us or against us" mentality, the same mentality has cast a man who was only 6 short years ago the party's VP candidate out of the Democratic Party. And while he could switch his affiliation once elected, it seems unlikely that Leiberman, a sane man by most accounts, would do so to the party that so cruelly betrayed him after years of faithful service.
The Democrats may have been handed a seat in the US house, with Delay's removal of his name from the ballot (but don't count the Libertarian candidate out yet!). But in a move that shows extremely lousy foresight, they have simply handed away a seat in the Senate, a move that could very well cost them dearly come November. Whether this is a sign of a larger DNC implosion or not is hard to say, but I would not be putting the early money on the Dems to regain the White House two years hence.