I want to further elaborate on my blog yesterday. No, I'm not apologizing, no I'm not taking back anything I said. But I feel an elaboration is in order. Shades, in some small way you're right (not exactly right, but close enough). I'm not exactly projecting, but I have been tiptoeing around certain topics here on the blogsite because there are some fragile emotions involved. And I don't want to make a comment that I would regret for sometime to come. I could give some good answers to...
The title of this article is a saying that is considered an old oriental (Chinese, I believe?) curse. But it's SO appropriate to this day and age. Angloesque wrote an article about a lady who sued two girls who were bringing her cookies. I won't rehash it here, as anglo's original article is a good article and I think you would be well advised to read it (It's entitled "This is What's Wrong with Americans", or something similar). What got my goat is one of the responses, justifying the act...
By now, everyone's heard the story: Richard Hatch has been charged with tax evasion for failing to report his $1.01 million earnings from the first "Survivor" season, as well as a series of radio shows. Well, there's a word for Mr. Hatch's actions, and that is STUPID. While the average joe naturally omits the $500 or so they made over the year mowing lawns and the $1500 they made having garage sales (bolstered by the accidental sale of junior's '53 Mantle for $200, for which junior is curr...
I was entering my two latest contributions to the "They Longed for the Presidency" series, and ruminating as to why I, the quintessential point whore, would continue in this endeavour, given that the series has elicited less than a handful of responses overall, one of said responses referring to the resemblance of said candidate to the guy on a bottle of Jack Daniels. To put it simply, these articles fall into the category of my "notes". While I have a hard copy standing right here in front o...
We've all been there before. The "New Blogger on the block", putting out our writing and hoping that somehow we will be seen on the large, impersonal internet. Somehow, we make it to the point where our articles are read. This is one reason why I am so fond of JoeUser's format. My articles receive a wide readership here, while I would be struggling to promote them on other sites. If I write an article, my work ranks high in the google search engines on the subject matter because of the promin...
Well, this will probably be my last article before Tuesday. Unless something pressing crosses myn eyes in the next 15 minutes or so, this will be my last online session before the library reopens Tuesday morning. So, have a merry Christmas, one and all, and I'll see you next week. In the meantime, I am sure I'll have a few more comments to post before returning to real life.
So, here's the scenario. I come into the library this morning, log on, and quickly find the latest "farewell blog" from a blogger who has basically made a whole blog of farewell blog's. The gist is this: you guys aren't treating me the way I want to be treated, so I'm gonna take my ball and go home. My response: fine. Don't let the door hit you. You may be fed up with us because our answers don't extol your virtues and extol you as the purveyor of all wisdom, but, frankly, I'm equally fed up ...
I've watched some of the recent JU drama from the sidelines. I don't want to jump in the middle of it as I can see something of each side's perspective, but I DO want to offer a little bit of advice that I hope EVERYONE can take from the table. Blogs are a fairly new phenomenon for many of us. If you're in your mid thirties, as I am, chances are you haven't been involved with the internet for more than 1/3 of your lifespan, and for many of us possibly significantly less. During that time, eve...
As many of you know, as an activist against CPS abuse of power, I frequent the fightcps.com website. While this website provides A LOT of good information, it provides evidence of why you should check your sources before reporting something as fact. One of the posters posted an article as a joke (my guess is, he was wanting to research how many people actually checked their source). The article referred to a lesbian mom who had adopted a son and was planning to give the son a sex change opera...
For those of you keeping score at home, I am making a format change to my "sister" blog site (linked on sidebar). On it, I will be posting articles that pertain to topics of interest such as homeschooling, homesteading and the like. This is to give those interested in those topics easier access to the information, as well as to separate the identities of the two blogs, rather than make them virtual clones (even though some articles may still appear on both sites). I believe the blogspot site...
I saw another blogger lambasted today for apparently "stealing" another blogger's idea and incorporating it into their own article. Having been previously accused of the same, I felt it was a good topic for discussion. When I log on to JU, I don't have the time to peruse blog articles of the last several days. Being limited to a few hours' access three or four times a week, once I have purged, checked, and answered my email, I read the recent forum posts. Then I begin blogging on article...
I have lately been inundated with popunders from the sites I surf. At first, I thought it had to do entirely eith the sites I surfed via blogexplosion and blogclicker (as I run three separate windows when I surf). But as I went across another JU blogger's site, it became clear: SOME of those popups, at least, are coming from JU blogsites (before you ask, I don't have the option of downloading software to kill these pesky mosquitos...it's a library computer, 'member?). I realize that there ...
I was reading the blog of another person whose material I read because I regard the person as a "friend" in the acquaintance sense of the word. Interestingly enough, we've never met...but there's a scant degree of separation between the two of us. And if it were not for the internet, this person would remain a complete unknown to me (although we probably wouldn't know the same people). Here's how it went down, for you newbies. You see, my family and I had moved to a forbidding hellhole so...
JoeUser's going through another one of it's personal battles. So, in the interest of restoring civility, I decided to abandon my usual political bent for one article and blog about "fluffy" bunnies". I mean, if we can't all agree on "fluffy bunnies", what CAN we agree on. So, here it goes. There it is, for all you aesthetes out there...pictures of fluffy bunnies for your peaceful enjoyment. BUT... Because I cannot live without SOME strife, I've decided to provide some ...
This is about as close to an apology as I get. I titled a recent article "Liberals Killed Shasta Groene's Family", and while I don't regret it or the point it made, I DO see the legitimacy of the criticism that followed on Myrrander's thread (for the record, when Myrrander addresses a reply on his blog, it's not point whoring, it's because he CAN'T--through no fault of mine--reply directly to my articles, so it's completely acceptable). And the fact is, in one sense I didn't go far enough to ...