I have been spending time trying to increase traffics to my blog, and after trying blogexplosion for awhile, decided to try blogclicker (linked on my sidebar). Blogclicker, like blogexplosion, works on the premise of getting points for your site for every site you visit. But UNLIKE blogexplosion, blogclicker gives you the option of upgrading your membership to increase the surf ratio, and of buying credits if you don't have the time to surf to earn them. Because of this, I tend to like it bet...
I know we have a lot of book lovers on this site; there have been a few blogs dedicated to the topic. So, I thought it prudent to let you know I now have an affiliate link to the Alibris website on my sister site (linked on sidebar). Alibris is one of my favorite websites for finding used and hard to find books; I invite you to give it a try. I don't wanna get too commercial or pandering here; just wanted to let you know about a link I have available here.
In my time on joeuser, I have never seen this. What I thought was just a glitch on my attempt to post a story on a burrito being mistaken for a weapon, has apparently wrecked my blog. All I did was copy/paste into the text box, and now my site is ruined. I am hoping admin can delete the article, because I have no delete options appearing on my screen. Oh, for an "undo" button.
After my last post, my blog has been seriously fried. I am writing this article as a "test" to see if it cleans up.
It's inevitable. Within the next day or two, I will drop out of the top twenty blogs. I have accepted this as fact. But my observations and those of others have made it clear that this is not a fault of my blogging, but of a bug in the points system. I have brought over 1,000 visitors to my site via blogexplosion in addition to those who regularly view my site, and have written 3-5 articles a day (ok, ok, so I had a few "slump" articles), so I know I shouldn't be below 4,000 points in the la...
Let me give you, for a brief second, a glimpse inside my mind. Imagine a convoluted jumble of synapses firing in rapid succession, each one a route to an entirely different path of thinking. When you hear of a mind "going like 60", that's mine. Only it doesn't go in any one direction. I'm the guy who always pissed you off in high school by writing his entire 10 page history paper in homeroom....and not only passing with it, but getting an "A". I'm the guy who finished standardized tests...
I'm wondering how I did it. At one time, my blog being in the top ten was almost a given. In fact, the only time it fell below was when I was offline due to having no access to the computer. Now, however, I'm at 14 and falling. Our favorite anti-Catholic blogger is about to leap on top of me. Most of the bloggers above me are worthy, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty embarassing to be on the brink of being passed by Jerry Falwell's retarded stepbrother! I know some of my art...
If you haven't been to my sister site (linked on the sidebar) recently, I encourage you to take a look. As I've added in banners and advertisements, I've had to adjust them with my limited knowledge of where to copy/paste the HTML code. I'm slowly but surely getting "there" (remember, my online time is limited as I access from the library). I think it's looking a little cleaner, though.
Everybody has a root canal phrase. The one that just causes you to cringe in disgust, and causes a flash of intense agony up your spine and through your jaw. Mine is any attachment of the word "humble" to "opinion". The phrase "humble opinion" is oxymoronic, because true humility revolves around deflating your own ego and keeping your tongue in cheek. Bill O'Reilly sets me off when he refers to himself as "your HUMBLE correspondent". The acronym "IMHO" is a more common offense, but I often...
I apologize for my premature naming of March's meathead of the month. Michael Schiavo would have made a MUCH better candidate than Mark McGwire. But, mistakes being what they are, I can move on with my "can't miss" for April. This month's meatheads (can't name one without the other) are India Akins, the mother of the arrested five year old, and the school that the five year old attended. India Akins deserves this award for absolving herself of parental responsibility above and beyond the c...
Well, I was doing some work on my sister site (linked on the sidebar), and I couldn't help but notice that I've already had my 600th visitor in less than 2 weeks' time (my average number of visitors a day at present is in the 65-80 range; not bad for a "new" site). It only works, though, if you spend time surfing other sites to get points (you get a visitor for every two sites you visit; you can also get "mystery credits"). For the newbie, though, I would recommend surfing for a couple days b...
I hate to do this (hell, who am I kidding, it's what I am all about!), but I would like to take a moment to encourage my regular readers to visit my sister site (linked on the sidebar). I am building it up, initially with archives from JU, but hope to add exclusive features (and maybe even a book preview or two). What I'd like for each of you to consider is clicking on the google ads while you're there. While the ads might represent a minor annoyance, they give me the ability to raise revenue...
Another point whore in another hall (sigh). In response to my DARING to oppose one of our newest point whore wannabes, he made the insinuation that I might be, err, a little light in the loafers. Apparently, he's out of legitimate arguments (his exact quote was calling me a drama queen, with QUEEN italicized for emphasis). What cracked me up was that somehow questioning my masculinity would offend me or hurt my feelings. Newsflash: it doesn't. I have nothing to prove to you, and your ruden...
For anyone who hasn't signed up with blogexplosion yet,I highly recommend it (Please link through the link on my sidebar; both phoenixboi and I will benefit from it as he referred me, and I need more referrals). My blogspot site has had over 300 visitors, almost all of them from blogexplosion referrals. The only problem I have is surfing enough ads in the time I'm online (which is why I need referrals to help boost my points total). On the blogspot site (also linked on the sidebar), I have a ...
I have seen enough. The name calling and ill feelings on JoeUser have gone pretty far off topic (I won't use the word "vitriol",as it's overused). I've had enough. While I defer to you the right to do whatever you like on your own thread, It's not going to happen on mine. To that end, I am announcing a general blacklist amnesty. If you have been on my blacklist before, you will be removed, with one unmentioned exception. If you're not removed, wait a short while and you will be. Af...