Blogging from the library has been the bane of my existence.
I will leave the library, and think of an excellent blog subject. I will ruminate over it until the following morning, then, a few scant minutes before arriving at the library, it will leave my head entirely. I am also limited as to how I can use the library's computer, as I can't save good links, and I don't have the software resources available to me that I would on my home computer. Add to that the fact that the times I post are not heavy user times,and it's a royal pain in the rear.
So, now, with a fresh infusion of cash, I purchased a used computer from the local computer store.I will be back online at home within about a week (the company's behind on installs, further slowed by yesterday's snowstorm), and will be able to blog more consistent with my original schedule. I'm hoping as well to be able to work on some of my writing projects and begin to make a career out of what has thus far been a hobby.