Well, I was doing some work on my sister site (linked on the sidebar), and I couldn't help but notice that I've already had my 600th visitor in less than 2 weeks' time (my average number of visitors a day at present is in the 65-80 range; not bad for a "new" site).
It only works, though, if you spend time surfing other sites to get points (you get a visitor for every two sites you visit; you can also get "mystery credits"). For the newbie, though, I would recommend surfing for a couple days before you add your blog (you might have to add it a couple of times before it recognizes it, though, so be patient). This gives you time to build up points so that your traffic flow is uninterrupted.
You can link to blogexplosion from the link on my sidebar.
In other, unrelated "blog" news, I will admit to being on a bit of an "article push"; my goal is to post my 1000th article before June 26 (my one year anniversary). I am trying to figure out the right "special" article for this momentus occasion (a pinnacle few JU'ers have reached), so if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to add them. I'm in a slight idea drought, though, so I'm trying to "push through" (onward and upward, right?). My blog is slipping in points...badly, so I'm going to try to go back through my top articles and evaluate what drew readers here in the first place. Meanwhile, for my faithful readers, thank you VERY much. Your readership is much appreciated.